Page 622 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 622

                                                   Tablo No. 23.
                          Contracted Statement thawing the Value and Deeerijdwn a/ Goode exported
                                      from Bahrain during the genre 1577 and 1873.

                                                                Fos rnn Yiuns
                                          Cun.                              Inejvrm*  IVcm««
                                                                            lu ln79.  >n !■»;«,
                                                                1877.  1*71.
                                                                 n«.   Rs.    r.a.  R«.
                          Animal*, llrlng .                     25,^00  11,700      lO.-W
                          ApparH                                  COO   ’-no   *100
                             and Ammunition, Ac
                          Arm* i__ _                                   i.i:k»
                          Candles   «                         I   4.7)         (W0
                         Can*as country                         5O.i«>0  3S,ftu     I.VAJ
                         Cattle                               |  2,«M>  i,ioo       1,2(0
                         Chunam and Lime                         3.0**)  2, .VO      Hi
                         Comsnnta                                 3o'l  350
                         OfTce   .   •                          3J,5oO  29,000      2,00#
                         C.*'ir and Colr*rope
                         Confectinnerv, Preferr                              i),700
                         Cotton Good* __ .                      rr-.ioo   1.W.900
                         Thread and Twist
                         Cotton, raw   .                        10* ooo   9,*>»      200
                         Dates .                            !  1,20,000  01,500    25,500
                         Prurs and Medicines .                  1,415   1,310        75
                              and Colouring, Materia         1  3.O>0   600         3.1(»i
                         Earthenware ...                     I 1,9iO                1>0
                         Fruit* ....                         ;  l.i •23  410         5*3
                         Gold Lace   ...                     : h.uoo               14.70
                         Crvn and Pnlae •   *                j 97, VM)  76,700     2i,;a»
                         (Sutn, i't rda ...                    13.000   ti'.ooo i
                         Hi !r« and Skins                                    8,000
                         In Iijro   .   .                       2.100   2,100
                         Jun-, mannfaeturea ol                  1,1*0               AlCO
                         l.-a‘h«r, ditto                               3, VO   3,000
                              dry                               1,000  1,600  rJO
                         I.ui-ifrra                          ;
                         .Mata                                 20.G.V)  8.900      11/3)
                         .Melds                                 7,915  G,»/90      l.aii
                         (Ml                                    3,<M)  4.UU0  400
                         (tpiara ....
                         Pearl »bells .   .                                  4)l50
                         JVifomery                                                  STO
                         Purrclain and China-ware .                                 5j0
                         I'niTinona and oilman's Stores
                         Hal  tie       »                       1,200               635
                         Nt..    ,   .
                         Silk, rrannfactarea of                 4,000  13)200  9.200
                         Kilk, raw   .   .
                         Pplcee   .   .                        6,25)  8,500  j)250
                         Stationery   .                         Oof    faOO        *150
                         tucar, candr                           700    000    200
                          „ crurneo •
                          ~ loaf
                          «• *oft . ■                          1*6)350  i)aoo      8^50
                         Tallow   •   •
                        Tobacco                                17)000  10)000      i)y0i
                         53  beea* .
                         Woollen Good*                          700    660         *140
                        All other kind* not indoded abort             6,400  6,100
                                             Tor**, .         5.90,1 H 6JS0J666   65,380
                                              Pearls <.      18,60,000 15.20,000   W000
                                              «P*d» .          75,000   1,32,000  67,000
                                 O&AND TOTAL, RUPEES         2543,115  21^665  IAS*
   617   618   619   620   621   622   623   624   625   626   627