Page 89 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 89

MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR 1873-74?.               81

                        Estimate for the year 1873-74.

                                                                    Valuo la
         From.           A RTXO LBS.                Quantity.       Dollura.

                  Rico                         126,260 bags         4,36,300
                  Su^ar                          2,206                28,000
                  SUk goods                       160 bales           31,000
                  Goracco                         100 casks             600
                  Musk                              3 boxes             400
                  Aloeswood                        21                  6.500
                  Cotton stuffs                  1,800 bales        2,20,000
                  Cotton cloth, bluo...           500                 43.000
                  Thread                          800    »            60.000
                  Broadcloth                       11    it            4.000
                  Copper                          300 pieces           2.000
                  Damaged cotton ...              418 bales            1.500
                  Wax Candles                     100 boxes             400
                  Surunjce                         30 bales            1,000
                  Indigo                           10 casks            2,500
                  Pur was                        7,000 bales          15.000
                  Sweet Oil                      3,848 iron cans      30.000
                  Coffee                         1,400 bags           37.000
                  Pepper                          303   „              6,000
                  Gunny                          1,535 bales           6,000
                  Turmeric                        2-10 bags            1,600
                  Spico                           100 bales            8,300
                  Sugar-candy                      95 casks             700
           ◄      Rope                             45 kandies           900
                  Iron-ware                                            2,300
           a                                                           2.500
          ►—1     Frankincense                    124 boxes
                  Tin and lead                    337 pieces           3.200
                  Cinnamon                        214 boxes            1.200
                  Saffron                          22   M              6,000
                  Goldthread                                           3,000
                  Wood                                                 2,300
                  Turkey Red                       40 bales            7,200
                  Scmsim Oil                      750 dubbas           7.500
                  Alum                              9 casks             400
                  Rod rice and wheat              350 kandiea          6,600
                  Monkey Nute                     600 bags             2,000
                  Ryes                              4 tins              400
                  Bajree                           10 kandies            180
                  Tea                              48 boxes            1,200
                  Sandalwood chips ...             61 bags             1,000
                  Canvass                          20 tans              200
                  Jawaree                         200 kandies          1,100
                  Wines, spirits, and malt liquors..                   1,000
                  Oil 6oed                         24 kandies            800
                  Dry cocoamits                   130 bales              360
                  Stool                            72 casks              400
                  Dry ginger                        6 kandies            600
                  BetoUnuts                        36 bales              400
                  Brass                             2 boxes    • ••      200

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