Page 17 - UAE Truncal States_Neat
P. 17


                 MT Dollars Maria Theresa Dollars
                  OAPEC      Organisation of Arab Oil Exporting Countries
                 OPEC        Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
                 PCL         Petroleum Concessions Limited
                 PDO         Petroleum Development Oman
                 PD (TC)     Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast)
                  RAF       Royal Air Force
                 TESG       Tjidschrift voor cconomischc on socialc gcografie
                 TOL        Trucial Oman Levies
                 TOS        Trucial Oman Scouts
                  UDF        Union Defence Force
                  ZDMG      Zcilschrifl dor Dcutschcn Morgenldndischen Gcscllscbafl

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