Page 112 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 112
100 Records of Bahrain
Baharinoh leaders.
After Compliments.
We acknowledge the receipt of your letter which you handed
to us on 23rd Rainadhan In which you stated that you approached us
on behalf of our Baharinah subjects living in Bahrain. Y/e under
stand from your letter that you ask us for the following things
(a) That the Courts of Bahrain should adopt a Code in
order that every judgment of the Bahrain Court should
refer to a certain clause of this Code similar to
the system existing in the Agency Courts.
(b) That the number of your representatives on both the
Majlis Tujjarah and Baladiyahs should be more than at
(c) . That you should have equal rights in the Education
which is provided by the Government.
2. Regarding the question of the courts, we will consider
the matter according to your request which is also desired by our
other subjects and the Sunni and Shi*ah Qadhis, but before
instituting a code it is necessary to compile and publish the
existing code which is contained in cur proclamations which we
have issued from time to time during our rule. Also it is
necessary to determine the amount of punishment which persons
disobeying this code will deserve. For this purpose we will
appoint a committee to examine our previous proclamations and
suggest, after consideration and consultation suitable punish
ments which will be appropriate for all forbidden things. After
completing this we will publish our proclamations in a book and t
this will be the local law. At the same time we will examine
some codes which exist in other Muslim countries and we will adopt
a criminal and a civil code for cases which are not sent to the
Shara1 courts. But I would remind you that this matter is of
great importance and requires hard work and much consideration
nor can it be undertaken lightly or completed in a short time.
3. Regarding the representation of our Sunni and Shi1ah
; subjects on the two Municipal Councils we agree that the number
; of representatives of our subjects should be more than the number
5 ' of representatives of subjects of other countries, although as
you are aware, the foreign nationalities, especially in Manaraah,
hold on important place in regard to commercial affairs and fin
ance. Insha*Allah v/e will deal with this matter during the
coming elections.
4. Regarding the members of the Majlis Tujjarah, as you
understand this Majlis consists of leading merchants of all
nationalities who are capable of examining and giving reports on
cases relating to accounts and commercial affairs which are
referred to them by our courts or by the courts of the Political
Agency. If v/e can find some Shi*oh merchants v/ho are suitable
and important and who have knowledge of commercial practice and
custoDi in that case v/e shall be pleased to appoint them as
members of the Majlis Tujjarah.
5. Regarding Education, we are happy to see the progress
which is made under the administration of our brother, Shaikh
Abdullah bin 1 Isa, v/ho devotes himself to furthering the edu
cation of our people. The number of students in our schools
increases yearly and we hope when the state of finance imrpoves
open more schools in the country villages in which there are