Page 153 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 153

Agitation for reform, 1938                141


         no clear•  yurther, haring made this largo oonoeeoion* whioh
         will give a legal focuo for expression of grlovonoeB, the
         Bahrain Qovornment will bo In a atrongor pooition to deal firmly
         with th08• who employ Illegal moano.

         9.     Tho eaoonoe of the council would be that the members
         would bo nominated by tho Shaikh*   I have little doubt but that
         sooner or later an agitation will arise that first the Council
         ohould not be nominated but elected by popular suffrago, and
         aooond that it ohould be Kxeoutive and not Advisory.   But if

         the members are wisely ohooon by the Shaikh in the first instance
         under a good President, this agitation should become formidable
         later rather than sooner, and in any oaoe eren if orentually some
         sort of Executive council iiaa to be eatabiishsd, an interval

         filled by an Advisory council by which much valuable experience
         fill be gained by all concerned, wo&ld be a very useful stopping

         10.    Please do not at the present stage approach the Bahrain

         Government on this point but after consulting Belgrave confiden­
         tially let mo have your views by post on roughly the 80rt of
         Council that might be suitable.  Prom this Council oub-oonmltteea
         could be choc an to deal with various matters such as Bduoation,
         yiuanoo, eto.
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