Page 224 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 224

212                       Records of Bahrain


                    tho balance of about £ 90,000 per annum for hie Privy Puroo.
                    Thla from one point of view io quite generous,    The contract la

                    between  tuo Shaikh and tho Oil Oompany, and as aooording to old
                    Idoao in Bahrain the Qhalkh la the State thero would have been
                    nothing to prevent him putting the whole of tho revenuea into
                    hi a own pocket.  From another and more modern point of view
                     however, whioh is now oreeping into the Arab statoB, it oould

                     bo argued that the royaltioe belonged to tno state,   out of which
                     tho lattor ohould allot a proportion to the Shaikh - and uot
                     the other way round,   In addition to hia share of the oil
                     royalties the shaikh has a oivil List of about lakhs annual-

                     iy.  So he and the family, with whan he shares his ravenues,
                     enjoy something like £ 115,000 per annum private income from
                     tho State J
                            From thio ivspeot therefore, and putting oneself in the
                     place of a disgruntled Bahraini, (in order to get a grasp of

                     popular movements it is essential every now and then to see the
                     question from the agitator* e point of view), the position-is
                     that in the small State of Bahrain, the total population of

                     whioh amounts to only about 120,000 a very large revenue is
                     administered without any cheok whatever by the Shaikh and his
                     Family, and by a foreigner (BolgraVo), and furtner that of this
                     revenue the Shaikh and his Family put a very large fraction into
                     their own pockets,   In so far as Belgrave is oonoerned we know

                     of course that he is  an extremely efficient and hard working
                     officer, honest it goes without saying, with the interests of
                     the State wholly at heart, and that Bahrain is oxtremely

                     fortunate to have his services.   But such arguments would I fear
                     not out much loe with tha agitator, and in foot tn« tone of    some
                                                                    / of
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