Page 227 - Historical Summaries (Persian Gulf - Vol II) 1907-1953
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(iii) matters of general policy;
(iv) local staff matters; and
(v) any other matters referred to them by the Board.
4. The Committee shall elect its own Chairman who should hold office for
a period of twelve months and should be eligible for re-election.
5. Meeting of the Committee shall normally be held in Bahrain.
6. Four persons at least shall be required to constitute a quorum, of whom
one shall be a nominee of the Minister of Transport.
7. Only members of the Committee shall be entitled to attend and vote at
meetings of the Committee but, with the approval of the other members of the
Committee, they may be accompanied by experts who may take part in the
discussion of particular items of business. Experts shall only be present during the
discussion of those items with which they are particularly concerned.
8. The decisions of the Committee shall be taken unanimously. In the event
of the Committee being unable to reach unanimity, all the views expressed shall be
faithfully reported in the minutes of the meeting.
9. A member who is unable to attend any meeting may, with the approval of
the Committee, appoint any person to be an alternate member for such period not
exceeding six months as he may desire.
10. The Superintendent of Lights & Buoys shall act as Secretary to the
Committee and shall be responsible for the preparation and circulation of the
notices of agenda and the minutes of the meetings.
11. The Committee may appoint on either a temporary or permanent basis
such technical sub-committees as it considers necessary.
12. At each meeting the Committee shall as its first item of business proceed
to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
(Paragraph 24)
Rules for the Collection of Light Dues in the Persian Gulf Area
Light dues are payable to the Persian Gulf Lighting Service, a company
incorporated in England with the liability of its members limited by individual
guarantee to a sum not exceeding one pound sterling. It is a non-profit making
company and is exempt from United Kingdom income taxes. Its Board of
Directors have their seat in London, England; they have a Superintendent of
Lights and Buoys and an Advisory Committee with an office in Manama, Bahrain.
For the purposes of this Service the Persian Gulf area covers at present all
waters westward of a line drawn between the light at Muscat and that at Jask,
excluding the port limits of the various ports in the Persian Gulf area in which
the Port Authority and/or industrial and commercial corporations have established
their own lights.
Rates of Light Dues
1. Vessels proceeding no further north than latitude 27* N. pay i anna per
net registered ton in and } anna per net registered ton out.
2. Vessels proceeding north of latitude 27° N. pay 1 anna per net registered
ton in and 1 anna per net registered ton out.
3. Vessels permanently based on Gulf ports and while trading within the area
pay dues at the rate of 2 annas per net registered ton for every 60 days
or part thereof.
4. Vessels (excluding those under 3 above) operating within the Persian Gulf
area for a period exceeding 30 days and whose trade is not concerned wun
normal exports to or imports from outside the area pay the aPPr.°P^ia
dues per net registered ton once a calendar month, calculated from midmgm o
the day of entering the area.