Page 318 - Historical Summaries (Persian Gulf - Vol II) 1907-1953
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  ;                                   (Paragraph 103)

                Letter, dated December 1 1951. from Cable and Wireless Ltd., to the
                                   Sultan of Muscat
              In confirmation of our conversation the following explanations relating to the
          grant of the Wireless Telephone and Wireless Telegraph Licence to Cable and
          Wireless Limited are forwarded for favour of record in your Highness’ archives.
          Re: Article 2
              With reference to Article 2 it is agreed that Cable and Wireless Limited shall
          allow the Sultan of Muscat and Oman from the date of the signing of the grant a
          10 per cent, rebate of the notified charges on Sultanate telegrams to all destinations
          in the British Commonwealth (other than Pakistan) but including India and local
          traffic with Bahrain and Kuwait.
          Re: Article 7
              With reference to Article 7 it is agreed that, when Cable and Wireless Limited
          is required to provide spare components for the maintenance of the distant
          installations, such materials shall be charged for at the C.I.F. rate to the Company
          plus all clearance charges at Muscat in addition to any charges incurred for
          transporting them to the outlying stations.
          Re: Article 9
              With reference to Article 9 it is agreed that the free Wireless telephone calls
          shall be made available as and when arrangements to each destination are
          completed, which shall in any case be within the period of 3 years stipulated in
          Article 12. Cable and Wireless Limited anticipate that calls to Bahrain and to the
          United Kingdom will become available during the coming year.
              Cable and Wireless Limited at Muscat undertake to train subjects of the Sultan
          of Muscat and Oman for operating wireless telephone and wireless telegraph
          installations as far as is possible.

                                       APPENDIX J
                                      (Paragraph 111)

             Communique issued by the Sultan about the new baiza currency, dated
                                     October 20, 1948
              From Said bin Taimur to the Public.
              We have ordered the circulation of the new Baizas currency (made of Nickel)
          in the bazaar for transaction by the people. It is on three different various
          denominations: —
                  (1)  One  Piece   2 Baizas   denomination.
                  (2)  One  Piece   5 Baizas   denomination.
                  (3)  One  Piece   20 Baizas   denomination.
              The transaction with the new Baizas currency in the bazaar will commence
          with effect from 28th ThilHaj, 1367. As regards the old coin, /'.e., the copper
          pieces, they will continue to be used in the fractional and full denominations.
              With effect from that date, we have ordered that the rial’s (dollar) rate will be
          200 Baizas (two hundred Baizas) without any increase or decrease.
              As regards the rupee, it will be 100 Baizas (One hundred Baizas only) according
          to the present exchange rates and until the issue of another communique, as the
          rupee value and rate might change according to the change in rates, and at the very
          time notices would be issued by the Government for renewal of the rupee value
          (from one time to another) according to the exchange rates.
              The Government will appoint a Banker at Muscat and another at Mutrah.
          Those who desire to exchange rials and rupees for new Baizas should approach
          the two appointed Bankers. Not more than a rial or two rupees would be changed
          in a day for a person and the Government will accept the change of the   new
          currency—without any limit to rials and rupees according to the fixed rate
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