Page 127 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
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Press.—There are now only two papers being published in Kerman. Their
tone towards British interests continued to be normal till the propaganda against
Iho Anglo-Persmn Oil Company was started in Tehran. Since then the local
W?" iavo published articles on tho same lines as those appearing in
tho Tehran press. a
11. Health and General Welfare.—The Health authorities have made
endeavours to improve the sanitation of the town and the unhealthy practices are
being checked to a certain extent. Dr. Sohrab was the Health Officer in the
Ivcrmun province at the end of the year.
An epidemic of typhus fever broke out in Kerman in January, and only died
down m July. The disease was almost entirely limited to the poor where it ran
through whole.families taking all members together, or one after another in
turn. Despite frequent cases of marked hyperpyrexia, the disease had a low
mortality, broadly speaking only weaklings and aged folk succumbing to it.
During the epidemic the Church Missionary Society staff treated over 600
patients and great credit is due to Dr. G. E. Dodson for his endeavours. Other
than the effects of the above epidemic, the health of the town on the whole
remained good till the end of the year when influenza appeared in a mild form.
12. Hussion Trade Interests.—The Soviet Trade Representation in Kerman
gave an exhibition of their agricultural tools and implements in January but did
net create much impression on the cultivators.
In May the Soviet Consul-General, Isfahan, visited Kerman to attend the
opening ceremony of the electric light installation in which he displayed great
The Soviet Trade Representation closed down in Kerman in the month of
September, transferring their headquarters to Bandar Abbas.
Sheikh Ahul Kassim Harandi has continued to remain as the Russian Sales
Agent in Kerman throughout the year.
13.. Military and Conscription.—The Kerman column which had proceeded
to Bashakird during the latter part of 1931 to reduce Abdul Hussein Karacran,
returned to headquarters in April without accomplishing its object. Another
column despatched in November on the same mission is so far reported to have
not met with any success.
The discipline of the military force in the province is commendable.
Sarhang Mohammad Khan Maimand was commanding the Kerman Brigade at
the end of the year.
Conscription— Naib Sarhang Farajullah Khan Mushar was in charge of
the Conscription Department throughout the year. A fresh ‘enquiry by this
official resulted into a number of exempted persons being called upon to enlist.
— 14. Persian Baluchistan and Rudbar.—Sarlip Mohammad Khan Nakhjawan,
Officer Commanding, Persian Baluchistan, was recalled to Tehran in May and
replaced by Sartip Abbas Khan, Alburz, from Kerman. Operations by troops
from Baluchistan in conjunction with the column from Kerman against Abdul
Hussein, Kameran, as reported above, are still in progress.
There were no Baluch raids across the Lut during the year under review.
Rudbar.—Zargliam-us-Sultaneh is still the nominal ruler of Rudbar and a
military garrison is now permanently stationed in the district. Zarghara’s
rival nephew, Saeed Khan, whom he succeeded in getting into trouble, is still
under detention at Kerman.
C. II. LINCOLN, Captain,
Ilis Majesty's Consul, Kerman.
British Consulate, Kerman,
0th February 1933.