Page 190 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 190
Condition of the Country.
JBimrtar Ahbas.—Several small thefts were reported to have occurred in tho
town, one of which was committed in the Consulate when the thief was arrested
and sent to the Nazmich where he was detained for a fortnight and then dis
charged as the courts in Bandar Abbas were not opened then.
Biyaban.—Jalal Taherzani, who, after removal of Mir Barakat Khan from
$ashakird in 1932, was appointed chief of the road guards with 20 men of his
tribe under him, was taken to task by the local authorities at Minab in connection
with revenue collected by him and was sent to Minab in charge of an Amnieh
guard. He was, however, released by his men on tho road and the whole party
fiod to Bashakird to join Abdul Hussein ICamcran, the notorious outlaw. On
receipt of this information, the Officer Commanding Troops, Bandar Abbas, paid
a hurried visit to Minab with a view to obtaining an interview with Abdul Hus
sein Kameran of Bashakird and proposing peace terms which the latter is re
ported to have refused.
It is rumoured that the wife of Abdul Hussein Kameran has been arrested
by the troops and it is hoped that with her capture they will be able to bring her
husband to terms.
The sister of Mir Barakat Khan, who went to Tehran in October 1933 with
the hope of seeing her brother and beggiug for his release, relumed on the 15th
December as she found her brother and his elder son, Abdullah Khan, had bolb
died. This news aggravated the tribesmen and there was wholesale robbery in
Minab. A detachment of 150 soldiers were sent to Minab immediately. On the
i5th February 1934 Mir Barakat Khan’s sister was brought to Bandar Abbas to
be sent to Tehran.
A band of Taherzaies, having had a skirmish with the troops raided the
Customs House at Galak and killed the Mudir.
Condition of the Roads.
Bandar Abbas.—The road leading to Kerman via the passes of Zagli and
Zindan remained safe during the year. The postal lorry with niails from Korman
and two lorries with sugar and passengers from Bandar Abbas were held up by
a band of Farsi robbers between Gakhum and Hajiabad on the 26th April 1933.
All the cargo and valuable articles belonging to tho pasengers as well as parcels
from the mail bags were carried away by the robbers. Two lorries loaded with
Anglo-Persian Oil Company’s products and carrying passengers from Bandar
Abbas to Kerman were held up by a band of 16 Farsi robbers near Chah-Cha-
ghuk on the 17th May. The robbers took away all the passengers’ valuable pro
perty including, it is reported, Rials 20,000 in cash from Clerks of the Census
Department returning to their headquarters at Kerman. Owing to these the
number of out-posts on the road has been increased, and at more dangerous
zones the Military are posted in conjunction -with the Amnieh.
Moreover the motor transport from Sirjan to Ghora and vice versa is des
patched in convoys with the Amnieh guards. The road is closed for night traffic
for motor transport.
Monsieur Sharaskin, the Russian piecegoods specialist, arrived from Kerman
on the 5th April. He was attacked by a small band of neighbouring robbers
near Sarzeh and took away all his belongings.
Lingali.—The road in the district of Lar was reported to be unsafe and
Zadan Khan, to whom the security of the roads was entrusted, had expressed his
inability to keep the traffic open with the present number of levies at his disposal.
The merchants have suspended all forwardings to and from Lar since the begin
ning of July 1933.
Lingali-Lar road was repaired during the year and is open for traffic, but a
negligible number of motors use this r°a(i.
Mohammerali-Charbar Coastal Road.—The construction of this road re-*
piained in abeyance,