Page 282 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 282

                       Up to now only the houses mid other landed property situated within tho
                   City or the neighbouring areas have been dealt with. A branch office was also
                   opened in the town of Bahramabad for the Rafsinjan district.
                       Permission was received by the local Registration authorities in the month
                   of March to collect the Registration fees in three instalments in cases whore
                   the parties concerned were unable to make full payment in advance. In spite
                   of this and the fact that the periods allowed for the registration of the various
                   areas were extended several times, the majority of the houses and estates still
                   remain unregistered and have therefore had to he declared 4 ownerless \ In
                   the casos where the fees have been duly paid, no documents of ownership have
                   been received from Tehran up to the time of writing.
                       The Director-General of Registration paid a visit of inspection to Kerman
                   in the month of May.
                       As the result of representations made to Tehran on behalf of the local
                   editors, permission was received early in the year to make arrangement with
                   1he local newspapers for tho publication of notices in respect of registration
                    of property in the province, excluding the property situated in the first area
                    of the Kerman city, the contract for which had already been given to the editor
                   of 4% Si larch-Julian ’* in Tehran.
                       Prince Afsar remained in charge of the Post and Telegraph Department
                   throughout the rear.
                       The delivery arrangements, both of mails and telegrams, were on the whole
                                                    more satisfactory and punctual than
                             Posts and Telegraphs.
                                                    before, barring when mails were held up
                   on the road oil account of rain, etc.
                       This Consulate has had no cause for complaint, except on a few public
                   holidays when mails were not delivered until the following day. I understand
                    that the official in charge of the Post Office is particularly efficient in his work.
                       Fara-Vaslii (Mutarjim Humayun), Principal of the Pehlevi Middle School
                                                    in Kerman, received instructions from
                                                    Tehran in the middle of January to take
                   over charge of the Education Department from Mirza Abdul Karim Khan
                    Ibrahinii, who had been holding acting charge since the previous incumbent's
                   recall in August 1933.
                       Fara-Vaslii acted as Director of Education, in addition to his other duties,
                    until the arrival of the new Director, Mirza Sadiq Khan Ansari, at the end of
                       Ansari, who held the charge of the Education Department in Kerman for
                    a couple of years prior to August 1926, has been in charge since. He does not
                    seem to be a man of sufficient energy and is said to be more interested in matters
                    connected with the Endowment section of his department, in which there is more
                    money to change hands.
                       The opening ceremony of a Teachers’ School (‘ Danish-Sara ’) in Kerman,
                    said to be one of the 25 sanctioned for the whole country by the Majliss early in
                    tlie year, was inaugurated by the Governor-General in the hall of the Pclilevi
                    School at the end of April.
                       The Government Primary Certificate Examinations, which are organised
                    by a committee of masters of the Pehlevi Government Middle School, under the
                    chairmanship ol' the Head Master, were held during May. Of the 149 candi­
                    dates who presented themselves only 67 were declared successful in having
                    passed the written part (writing, arithmetic, essay and dictation). The final
                    figures were only arrived at after the arithmetic papers had been re-scrutimsod
                    and extra marks given, owing to complaints made by mastors and boys because
                    of the difficulty in questions, some of which were far too hard for the boys of
                    the primary standard, and would have taxed the powers of many boys in the
                    Middle school. The piece selected for dictation also was too hard, containing
                    from 50 to 60 difficult words, and these were arranged so close together as to
                    make it difficult for the boys to understand tho gist. To an outsider it appeared
                    that the Examination Board entirely failed to realise that the examination   was
                    a primary one, and they also seemed to think that the candidates had the   same
                    amount .of knowledge as themselves.
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