Page 302 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
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                         (c)  A Nursing Horae built by the Bahrain Petroleum Company, Limited,
                     but attached to the Mission was opened during the year. The Nursing Homo
                     is intended primarily for the use of American and British employees of the
                         (d)  79,080 patients were treated at the Mission Hospitals during the year
                     ns compared with 08,905 treated during 1933. 820 indoor patients were treated
                     as compared with 825 during 1933. 635 major and minor operations were per­
                     formed and there were 02 obstetrical cases.
                         24. Judicial.—The total number of civil suits instituted was 1,800  as coin-
                     pared with 3,941 instituted during the previous year. The total number of
                     criminal cases was 443 ns compared with 472 for 1933.
                         (2) The total number of petitions registered was 2,283 and Insolvency
                     cases 3.
                        25. Visits of British Officials.—(1) The Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel
                     Fowle, C.B.E., Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, visited Bahrain six times
                     during the year. Other visitors included His Majesty’s Vice-Consul, Bushire,
                     the Air Officer Commanding, British Forces in ’Iraq and the Counsellor and
                     Third Secretary of His Majesty’s Legation at Tehran.
                         (2)  In May Their Excellencies the Viceroy and the Countess of 'VVillingdon
                     passed through Bahrain by air mail cn route to England. They returned to
                     India by Air Mail in August. On both occasions the Ruler was present to wel­
                     come. them during their brief halt.
                         (3)  Other notable travellers who passed through on the air mails included
                     the Marquis of Londonderry, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Air, the
                     Right Honourable Sir Philip A. G. D. Sassoon, Bart., G.B.E., C.M.G., M.P., His
                     Majesty’s Under Secretary of State for Air, Sir Alan Parsons, Kt., C.I.E.,
                     I.C.S., Secretary to the Government of India in the Finance Department, ami
                     Sir John Maitland Salmond, G.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., D.C.L., Marshall of the
                     Royal Air Force.
                        20. Movements of Foreigners.—His Excellency Paul Knabenshue, Minister
                     Resident of the United States of America in ’Iraq, arrived at Bahrain by slow
                     mail on the 0th March and left for Muscat on the 14th. His Excellency called
                     on the Political Agent and the Ruler of Bahrain on the. 7th March. He also
                     tried to arrange through the good offices of Dr. L. P. Dame (in charge of the
                     Arabian Mission) to visit King Bin Sa’ud in Riyadh. This visit could not be
                        27.  Visits of Arab Notables.—Shaikh ’Abdullah bin Qasim al Thani, C.I.E.,
                     Ruler of Qatar, visited Bahrain from the 14th to 20tli October as the guest of
                     His Excellency the Ruler of Bahrain.
                        28.  Qatar.—(1) The Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited, obtained au
                     option from the Shaikh of Qatar to explore for oil throughout Qatar up to
                     August 1934. At the same time representatives of the Company were negotiat­
                     ing with the Shaikh for a concession. The Shaikh’s attitude, however, was
                     difficult arid as it seemed likely that he was intriguing with King Bin Sa’ud and
                     with the California Arabian Oil Company, the Honourable the Political Resident
                     visited him in April and reminded him of his Treaty obligations to which His
                     Majesty’s Government bad every intention of binding him. This produced the
                     desired effect and Mr. C. C. Mvlles on behalf of the Anglo-Pcrsian Oil Company,
                     Limited, was able to secure an extension of 8 months of the option granted to
                     the Company commencing from the 8th August.
                         (2) In May flying boats of No. 203 (F. B.) Squadron, R. A. F., carried out
                     a reconnaissance of Qatar. They were accompanied by the Political Agent,
                        30. Slavery.-—19 slaves were manumitted during the year as compared with
                     17 slaves manumitted during the previous year.
                                                                  (Sd.) G. A. COLE,
                                                                 Officiating Political Agent,
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