Page 387 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 387
YEAR 1035.
1. Personnel.—(\) The Tracial Coast has remained under the political
charge of the 1 olitical Agent, Bahrain, throughout the year.
(ii) Khan Bahadur 'Isa hin ’Abdul I.atif, O.B.E., who had been Resi-
dency Agent. Trucml ’Oman, since his father’s death in 1918, died on tho
1-th September. By his death Government has lost a representative, who
had rendered them good service.
fiii) Khan Sahib Husain bin Hasan ’Annul, the clerk of the Residency
Agency, has been in charge of the current duties of the Residency Agent,
Trucial ’Oman, from the date of the death of Khan Bahadur ’Isa bin ’Abdul
Latif, O.B.E.
2. Trucial Shaikhs.—The following were Shaikhs of the various States
of the Trucial Coast throughout the year:—
(i) Dubai: Shaikh Sa?id bin Maktum, O.B.E.
(ii) Sharjah: Shaikh Sultan bin Saqar.
(iii) Abu Dhabi: Shaikh Shakhbut bin Sultan.
(iv) Umm al Qaiwain: Shaikh Ahmad bin Rashid.
(v) ’Ajman: Shaikh Rashid bin Humaid.
(vi) Ras al Khaimah: Shaikh Sultan bin Salim.
3. Tours.—(i) The Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon Loch, C.I.E.,
Officiating Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, visited the Trucial Coast
in October.
(ii) The Political Agent, Bahrain (Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon Loch,
C.I.E.,), visited the Trucial Coast in February and again in November.
(iii) The Officiating Political Agent, Bahrain, (Captain G. A. Cole),
toured the Trucial Coast in June and July.
(iv) The Officiating Assistant Political Agent, Bahrain, (Lieutenant
R. D. Metcalfe), visited Sharjah in September in connection with the
death of Khan Bahadur ’Isa bin ’Abdul Latif, O.B.E., the Residency
4. British Interests.—(i) Mr. W. C. Janes, Station Superintendent,
has remained in charge of Imperial Airways’ Rest House at Sharjah
throughout the year except for a short period' of leave during the summer
when Mr. R. Wade acted for him. He has maintained cordial relations
with the Shaikh and the local inhabitants.
(ii) In February a Mining Engineer (Mr. J. M. Barnett) and a Miner
were sent to Abu Musa by the Goluen Valley Ochre and Oxide Company of
Wick, near Bristol, to prospect for red oxide of iron. In the meantime
negotiations were started by Haji Yusuf bin Ahmed Kanoo of Bahrain (on
behalf of the Company) with the Shaikh of Sharjah for the grant of a con
cession. A concession agreement for a period of 21 years was signed by
the Shaikh on the 9th March. In June Mr. Barnett despatched a consign
ment of red oxide of iron to his Company by the S.S. Rcgistan and left the
Island later in the same month. In October Commander D. H. Rainier
and Mr. V. R. Channon were sent to Abu Musa Island by the Company to
resume mining operations.
(iii) The Mesopotamia Persia Corporation have maintained a branch
office in Dubai under a clerk-in-charge, who has attended to the Company s
shipping and other business at both Dubai and Sharjah.
(iv) In June the Shaikh of Ras al Khaimah made a request for a steamer
of the British India Steam Navigation Company Limited to call at his port
once a month. The Shaikh’s request was discussed by the Company s
agents and in November Mr. G. W. R. Smith, Deputy Manager of the