Page 430 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 430
use at a zr
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holding 120,000 kharvars (about 34,000 tons) have been erected6 Vhev aro
beheved to be half full. A credit of 1,300,000 rials, is reported to be ivail
able for the construction of Grain Silos by Russian engineers as in oLhor
parts of the country.. ’ tr
Rice growing has been prohibited in the district and
with small success to grow cotton instead. attempts mado
Sufficient beetroot was produced locally to supply the wants of tho
refinery at Merv Dasht which started work in October. By the end of tho
year excellent sugar was on the market at a price slightly lower than import
ed Russian sugar. There was talk of erecting a second factory at Fasa.
Fruit trees in parts of the Province were reported in the Spring to be
suffering from blight. Unusually cold weather was experienced early in
December which will probably have affected the crop of oranges and citrous
Government experts have reported favourably on projects for sinking
artisans wells in connection with irrigation schemes. So far nothing has
been done.
At the end of the year a system of sanitary inspection of animals was
approved for the whole of Iran. Cattle disease is very prevalent in Fars.,
There is nothing to report regarding judicial affairs, the Census De
partment, nor the Registration Department. The Education Department
has been busy under the Direction of an ex-Army Officer. The Shahpur
Boys’ High School has been extended and a new school opened at Kazarum.
A School of Arts and Crafts with two German instructors was also started
in Shiraz. Night classes for adults and weekly lectures have been insti
tuted. On the whole there is a better standard of teachers today and pay
has improved. A “Museum of Education” was opened in the old “Kolah
Faranghi” building in the Citadel, which has been restored.
Military affairs.—The 7th (Fars) Division, under Sartip Ibrahim
Zandieh, has been increased to a total strength of over 10,000 men. More
barracks have been under construction throughout the year. The French
Military Mission paid a visit to Fars in the Spring. It was rumoured
that the Valiahd was to assume command in South Iran, probably with
headquarters at Shiraz. A large new building for Military Headquarters
has just been completed. The General Officer in Command has twice visit
ed Bushire and the Gulf Ports during the year. In October the whole
garrison was inspected by Sar Eashkar Murtaza Yazdah Panah. At the
end of the year the General twice had to go to Ear in connection with
trouble between the Amnich and local tribes. He is an energetic and effi
cient officer.
The Amnich have also been increased in numbers and new posts opened.
They were inspected in the Summer by Sartip Ghulam Ali Zand, Officer in
Command of Road Guards for Iran, who included the Gulf Ports in his
itinerary. On the whole the force appears to Ixj efficient and discipline is
maintained, though there were various rumoured irregularities in the Lar
district at the end of the year when an officer and several men were arrested
for contraband operations.
Unrest in Laristan and amongst the Boir Ahmedi tribes has necessi
tated visits bv the General Officer in Command of the Fars Division and ot
the Officer in'Command of Amnich. Little seems to have been done during
the year bv the various Military Governors to speed up
tribes Building continues at Tul-i-Khosrau, but it will he difficult to
persuade the Kugilu tribesmen to settle there in any numbers.
Economic affairs.—The merchant class in general is d'ssatisfied
restrictions on trade and the intervention of Government as a V '-r
particularly affects the export trade of Fars, which is passing into