Page 440 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
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were carried out in the Balliabacl Hills situated about 21 miles to the
south-east of Kerman.
15. Coit script ion.—-Sargord Ali Naqi Mirza Abul Maluki
in charge of the Conscription Office throughout the year. remained
Dam, Sirjan, Rafsinjan, Rudbar.—Nothing of importance to report.
A.—British Interests.
1. Mesopotamia Iran Corporation Limited.—Mr. P. S. M. Desouza
held charge of the Bandar Abbas Branch of the Mesopotamia Iran Corpora
tion Limited throughout the year. 1
2. Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited.—The business of the Com
pany continued to increase. Supplies of kerosene oil and petrol for the
Eastern Iranian markets, Sirjan, Kerman.and Rafsinjan arrive regularly
by the Company's small tanker "Khuzistan” and are landed at Bandar
Abbas from where they are forwarded to Kerman and Zahidan.
A party of British Geologists arrived at Bandar Abbas by road during
the month of November. The party had been surveying the country be
tween Shiraz, Sirjan and Hajiabad. Two of the party returned by road,
the rest taking passage by steamer to Khoramshahr.
B.—Local Officials.
Gooemorate—Pei'sonnel.—Aghaye Ismail Khan Bahadur was Gover
nor of Bandar Abbas till the 9th August when he proceeded to Tehran on
leave after handing over charge to Agaye Paimani who was officiating Gov
ernor from 10th August to 24th December. Aghaye Bahadur returned
from Tehran on the 25th December and resumed charge of the office. The
Governor and the officiating Governor were the Presidents of the Munici
Provincial Customs and Finance Department.—Aghaye Mohommad
Alii Doulatshahi was Director of the Customs and Finance Department till
2lst August when he proceeded to Tehran, and Aghaye Mehdi Nik-Khan
took over charge and was officiating to the end of the year.
Inspectors from the Customs and Finance Departments, Tehran, arriv
ed during the months of March and April to inspect the work of the De
partments at Bandar Abbas.
In October one Omani Dhow bound from Khazab to Dibai with Omani
crew, two female Arab passengers, a cargo of firewood, and having two
rifles on board was seized1 when under sail near the south-west point of
Hormuz (about 4 miles from the Island and 10 miles from Bandar Abbas)
by the Iranian Customs launch and brought into Bandar Abbas. The crew
and passengers were handed over to the Military authorities and were tried
by martial law on a charge of carrying firearms in Iranian waters, and
released on 30th October, but the two rifles were retained.
Shahrabani (Police).—Sarbahr (Sultan) Ashrafi held charge till 3rd
March when he proceeded to Tehran on transfer. Rasadban II Rahirniyan
officiated till the 19th when he was relieved by Sarbahr Nikzad who held
charge till Julv. Snrbahr Nikzad was relieved by Rasadban II Daftnre-
yan, who officiated till 21st August when he was relieved by Sarbahr Syed
Reza Khan Johan-Aara.
Passport Department.—Passport work is still in the hands of the
Shahrabani Department.