Page 463 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
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establish two or more emergency landing grounds on the Muscat Aden air
route between Masireh Island and Murbat. in the Province of Dhofar. This
stretch of the coast is one of the most desolate and sparsely populated of
any portion of the State, or in fact of any portion of Arabia. The few
inhabitants to be met with belong to lawless tribes over whom the Sultan’s
authority is merely jiominal.
II. M. S. “Deptford” left Muscat on October 16th having on board a
Staff 0nicer from Air Headquarters ’Iraq, a Royal Engineer Oflicer-in-
charge of Works and Building attached Royal Air Force, the Political
Agent and a representative of the Muscat Government. A call was made
at Marhut a small port on the mainland south-west of Masireh Island to
embark the Sheikh of the Jenabeh tribe who is the paramount chief of the
various tribes inhabiting the districts to be visited.
The first place visited was at Khur Gharim in Sauqrah Bay where an
emergency landing ground had been hastily constructed in 1934. The sur
face of the ground was levelled and cleared and the markings repaired.
On completion of this work a reconnaissance for a new landing ground
to tlie South was carried out and an excellent place was found in Kuria
Muria Bay in the Shuwaimiyah District and at a distance of some 115
miles from Khur-Gharim. The surface of the ground was levelled and
the usual markings constructed.
After completing the work the expedition returned to Muscat having
In addition to making two landing grounds at convenient intervals along
this desolate coast established satisfactory relations with the local inhabit
ants who wherever met showed themselves friendly.
8. Aviation, General—The annual special authorisation for aircraft
to land and fly over Muscat and Oman required by the Civil Air Agreement
entered into between His Majesty’s Government and the Sultan in 1934
was renewed on 2nd January.
The civil aerodrome at Gwadur continued to be used throughout the
year by the bi-weekly East and West services maintained by Imperial Air
ways. A number of private aircraft also landed here in the course of the
year and a few machines of the Royal Air Force on their occasional flights
between Iraq and India or vice versa.
The emergency landing ground at Shinas was not used by any Imperial
Airways machines.
9. Foreign Interests.—(a) The French Consulate remained closed
throughout the year.
At the request of the Consul for France, Bombay, a few repairs to the
Consulate building were carried out by the Agency Overseer.
(b) American interests remain in the hands of the Political Agent
during the year.
10. Missionary Work.—The Missionary side of the activities of the
American South Arabian Mission (The Dutch Reformed Church of the
.United States of America) was carried out by the Revd. Mr. and Mrs.
Pennings. They were relieved by the Revd. Mr. and Mrs. Dykstra in
Dr. P. W. Harrison continued throughout the year in charge of the
Medical side of the Mission at their Hospital at Matrali.
Dr. W. H. Storm who by special permission of the Sultan had set up
a medical clinic for some 4 months in Dhofar returned in a sailing vessel
on the 22nd March to Muscat and left for Bahrain on the 24th.
Dr. (Miss) Hosman attached to the Zenana Mission Hospital at Mus
cat spent the greater part of the year in touring the Batinah Coast treating
the sick.
During the summer months the entire staff of the Mission left Muscat
on recess in India as usual.
40(C) ExAffairdDopt,