Page 566 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 566
YEAR 1938.
1. General Situation.—Tho situation romained undisturbed throughout
the year but tho rate of progress in tho development of this Provinoo which
was so marked a feature in previous years slowed down considerably owing
largely no doubt to tho constant change and transfer of responsible officials
Tho boycott of foreigners showed no sign of abatement.
Tho cost of living continued to rise, official salaries remained tho same and
corruption spread ever depper.
2. Tribal Affairs.—Tho Qashgai and Khnmseh tribes have apparently
been cowed and the only trouble which occurred was ariiongst the Boir
Ahmadi, whose grievances however were more economic than political. The
dispatch of 400 troops from Shiraz in July was sufficient to restore order.
Tribesmen disturbed by tho prospect of forced settlement in unhealthy
districts continued to emigrate to Arabia and it is estimated that 10,00*0
left in tho course of the year.
The order that tribal shephords should substitute white tents for black
tents was observed in the neighbourhood of Shiraz by spreading white
material over tho traditional goats’ hair.
Tribal settlement, previously under military control, was placed in the
hands of a civilian director, Aqa-i-Azam Quds, a former mullah.
3. Security.—Public security continued to be well maintained in spite 6f
reports of the corrupt practices of the road guards.
Two isolated cases were reported of lorries being looted on the road but
the shooting of the bandits concerned had a salutary affect.
A few burglaries occurred on the outskirts of Shiraz but these were almost
certainly the work of amateur cracksmen from the barracks.
4. Local Administration.—The new territorial division of the 7th Ustan
comprises not only the old province of Fars but also a strip of coast including
Bushire and a portion of the Ahwaz Consular District round Behbehan.
As a result of the purge which followed the judicial investigation into the
scandals of the Dowlatshahi regime all high officials in the administration
were replaced.
Mohammad Ibrahim Alam (Shoukat-ul-Mulk), who had a reputation for
integrity, the successor of Dowlatshahi, remained as Ustandar until October
when he left for Tehran and was not replaced before the end of the year.
Aqa-i-Ali Naqi Hoshyar, formerly Assistant Governor was appointed
Farraandar under tho new scheme of administration, and acted for the Us
tandar when he left.
Aqa-i-Abdul Hussein Shabdiz, who became head of the municipality on
the imprisonment of Aqa-i-Ali Asghar, Soheily, left for Tehran in July and
did not return. His place was taken by Aqa-i-Nasrullah Sopehri.
The Chief of Police Sarhang Raufi, was transferred to Tehran and replaced
by Sarhang Shaikh-ul-Islarai from Zinjan.
6. Military Affairs.—General Zandieh, the former Officer Commanding
of the Fare division, and a colonel Sa’adi were found guilty by a military tri
bunal of robbery and conniving at the murder of the Munshi Bashi of tho
Qawam-ul-Mulk and handed over to the civil authorities for further proceed
ings. They arc said to have enventually been sentenced to 15 years imprison
ment, but this has not been confirmed.
Following the enquiries of the same tribunal into the lucrative activities
of the former Commanding Officer and the scandals in general of the Dowlat
shahi regime, all officers in command of regiments in the Fars division were
exchanged and the present Commanding Officer, General Amidi, completed
tho purge by transferring some seventy others.