Page 627 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 627
The carpet Indus Ivy is still an important feahWft of this distneh Compared
with tlie previous year, exports to America fell slightly while those to the United
Kingdom were slightly higher. 155 unemployed weavers were despatched to
work in tin* Royal bilk .Mills in Mozandorau.
The Khorshid Spinning Mill suffered from shortage of raw material and
managerial troubles. The mill also needs new machinery and replacements.
The Electricity Supply Co. imported new machinery from Germany during
the year. The proprietor would have preferred British machinery but could not
obtain the necessary exchange.
Sartip Ali Akbar Siyah—push retained command of the Kerman Brigade
throughout the year*
There were no important changes in the composition of the Brigade and the
discipline and moral of the troops appears to be good.
The garrison of the Rudbar area was increased to a regiment, in August*
The number of troops at Sirjan was also increased. A permanent detachment
has been stationed at Rafsinjan. It was noted that most of the posts along the
Ivermau-—Bandar Abbas road from which the roacUgliards had been withdrawn
were reoccupied towards the end of the yfenr*
Internal Security\—Security was not so well maintained during 1939. There
were a number of raids on villages and caravans. In one case two lorries
travelling by night were held-up on the Sirjan—Bandar Abbas road. A number
of raiders were captured and one leader was shot.
Roads.'—• grant of rials 600,000 has boon received for the construction
of a motor road between Kerman and Jiruft. It is understood that the in
tention is to extend this road to Bandar Abba's via Rudbar and Minab. Sucli
a road would be of strategic as well as administrative value.
Surrounding villages are gradually being linked up with Kerman by
fair-weather motor roads.
IFire/ess.-—It is reported that the Wireless station Was operated daily
for military purposes for three months of 1939 (23rd May—23rd August) anil
since then twice weekly for a few hours at a time. There is also a one port
able set at Jiruft and two spare portable sets at Kerman for military use.
Aviation.—No aeroplane landed at Kerman during 1939.
Nothing was done towards maintaining the landing ground in a service*
able condition.
A sum of rials 70,000 was raised by a forced levy on merchants ami
others ns a contribution towards national aviation. Compulsory contribu
tions were also demanded from all wage earners and every child attending
school was required to contribute rials 10-15 each. In December the local
civil ayiation committee was instructed to raise a further rials 500,000.
The inhabitants do not display much interest in political matters. Depu
ties to the Mcjliss were elected to Order ; there was one change, Ilashami, the
Editor of the local “ Bidari ” replaced Hassan Tawand.
European TT7or.—There is, however, a certain amount of interest shown
by the educated classes lh the European conflict and they are keen to have the
latest news. Quite a number listen-in to Persian news bulletins emanating
from Ankara and Germany. The small pro-German element in the town is
- ponsiblo for spreading extravagant reports from time to time and these
are dealt with quietly and effectively. After the attack on .Finland the general
public Wan to speculate upon (bo possibilities of a Russian invasion of Iran
in fact it ms said that it had actuary begun. It is firmly believed bv many
hat the British Government has made a secret pact with Iran to come to tlio
otter’s aid should she he attacked by Russia. As far as public oninion can
he assessed there is little pro-Russian feeling in Kerman and not much morn
pro-Gorman, but the latter is active.