Page 635 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 635
1. Officers.--(a) Political Agent.—H. Weightman, Esquire, I.C.S., held
charge throughout the year.
(b) Assistant Political Agent.—1st January* to 23rd May 1939—Captain
J. B. Howes, J.A.—30th May to 31st December 1939—R. I. Hallows, Esq.,
(c) Indian Assistant.—Dr. S. M. Siddiq, M.A., Ph.D., held charge through
out the year.
(d) Political Officer, Trucial Coast.—(New Appointment) 5th October to
31st December 1939—Ckptain J. B. Howes, I.A.
(e) Residency Agent, Sharjah.—Khan Sahib Sayed Abdur Rezzaq held
charge throughout the year.
2. Bahrain Government Officials.—(a) Adviser.—C. Dalrymple Belgrave,
Esquire, C.B.E., held charge throughout the year.
(b) Assistant to the Adviser.—(New Appointment) 21st May to 31st
December 1939—Captain A. C. Byard.
(c) Director of Customs and Port Officer.—C. C. L. deGrenier, Esquire,
from 1st January to 1st April 1939 and from 11th September to the 31st Decem
ber 1939.
(d) State Engineer.—Mr. W. B. Steele held charge throughout the year.
(e) State Medical Officer.—1st January to Oth November 1939—Dr. Ian
Davenport Jones—6th November to 31st December 1939—Dr. M. M. McDowell
Dr. Ian Davenport Jones resigned his post as State Medical Officer to join
the Royal Army Medical Corps in Egypt.
(f) State Lady Doctor.—(New Appointment) 21st February to 31st
December 1939—Dr. M. M. McDowell.
(g) Director of Education.—(New Appointment) 28th November to 31st
December 1939—Mr. C. R. L. Adrian-Vellance.
3. Ruler of Bahrain and Al Khali fall Family.—(i) On the 16th July 1939!
His Highness Shaikh Sir Hamad bin Tsa al Khalifah, K.C.LE., C.S.I., Rulen
of Bahrain, left for India to spend the hot weather in Simla. During his absence
a Council of Regency consisting of Shaikh Abdullah, His Highness* brother,
Shaikh Salman, his son, and the Adviser to the Bahrain Government carried
on the affairs of the State.
His Highness had an interview with His Excellency the Viceroy in Simla
and. greatly enjoyed his visit.
He returned to Bahrain on the 10th September 1939, very much improved
in health.
(ii) Shaikh Muhammad bin ’Tsa, brother of His Highness the Shaikh of
Bahrain, visited the United States of America where he was shown much
courtesy, visiting the New York Exhibition as an honoured guest. This is the
first time that a member of the Sliaikhly family has visited the United States.
(iii) Sheikh Khalifah bin Muhammad, nephew of his Highness, completed
his training at Nasik this year and was put in charge of the Police as Superin
4. Bahrain Police—
Strength on
Police. t__ __________ _____A____________
1st January 31st December
1939. 1939.
Indian Police 6 6
Arab Police 296 341
Followers 19 25
321 372