Page 641 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 641


               (Hi) Captain Cosmo M. Graham, Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf,
           arrived in 11. M. S. “ Shoreluim ” on tlic 31st May 1939 and formal calls were ex-
           elinngod with His Highness the Shaikh ot' Bahrain.
               04. Visit oj Aral) Notables.—'The outstanding feature of the year was the
           visit of His Majesty King Abdul Aziz bin Sand to Bahrain early m May
               On the 1st May the Amir Sand arrived from A1 Khobar by launch and  on
           the same day the Amir Foisul arrived from Cairo by air, accompanied by
           Shaikh Hafiz ’Waliba and Shaikh Jamal Ilusseini who had been summoned by
           llm Sand for a discussion on Palestine. On flic following morning the Amirs
           crossed to A1 Khobar in company with Ihe brothers of His Highness the Shaikh
           of Bahrain and Ids eldest son Shaikh Salman, in order to escort the King to
           Bahrain. The King arrived in the late afternoon of the 2nd May with a huge
           parly of relatives, Ministers, Amirs, political detenus and retainers, and was
           met on the Customs Pier by llis Highness the Shaikh of Bahrain, the Poli­
           tical Agent, the Adviser and the Assistant Political Agent. After a guard
           of honour provided by the Bahrain Police had been inspected the King, Ilis
           Highness and the Political Agent entered an open car to drive to the Palace
           in Manama where the remainder of the A1 Khalifah family had assembled to
           greet him. After a brief stay in Manama the King and His Highness left for
           Rafa, where a palace was 'placed at the King’s disposal.
               A garden party was given at the Agency the next evening to which the
           King, the Amirs and several other sons and members of the entourage,
           together with the Shaikh of Bahrain, his brothers and sons were invited.
               The Political Agent paid a formal call at Rafa on the King the next morn­
           ing ; and the same afternoon an entertainment was given by the Manama and
           Muharraq Municipalities in the Manama Municipal Garden. The proceed­
           ings were brief and confined to short speeches of welcome on behalf of His
           Highness and the Presidents of the two Municipalities aud a reply read on
           behalf of the King by Shaikh Yusuf Yasin.
               On Friday the King joined in the prayers at the Mosque in Manama. In
           the afternoon lie visited the Oil Field and Refinery.
               A torchlight tattoo was staged hv the Bahrain Police, nnturs and a num­
           ber of school children on the night of the 6th after dinner. The King and his
           entourage left Bahrain on the morning of the 7th May after a most successful
               (ii) Shaikh Said bin Maktum, 0.B.13., Ruler of Dubai, and Shaikh Mana
           bin Rashid and Shaikh Rnshird bin Haiti, arrived in Bahrain in May to discuss
           the Dubai situation with the Political Agent (sec Trucial Coast section).
               25.  Slavery.—129 slaves were manumitted during the year as compared
           with 142 during the year 1938.
               26.  Climate.—The summer of 1939 was mild compared with the previous
           year ; but up to the end of the year there. had been no cold weather. There
           was practically no rain.
               27.  Qatar,—(i) Relations are, as usual, strained between Bahrain and
           Qatar. Travel between Qatar and Bahrain is still restricted and Qatar
           visitors are only allowed to land by the Bahrain Government in   emergent
           cases when medical attention is required.
           . ., (ii) nm-ms the year, after due deliberation of the evidence submitted bv
            both Bahrain and Qatar, the ownership of Iluwar was decided bv His
            Majesty's Government in favour of Bahrain, and both Rulers wore informed
            ot this decision. Ihe Ruler of Qatar appealed for a reconsideration of this
            decision but was told that Ilis Majesty’s Government’s decision was final.
            qi <!»> //lor and tiresome negotiations during the preceding year the
            Shnlkh ,o1 ,S’ata!' la?. agreed to (lie necessary transfer to His Majesty’s Gov­
            ernment of jurisdiction over British subjects and non-Moslem foreigners in
           5o’tar to enable an 0rder-in-Council for Qatar to bo made on the general lines
           of the Kuwait Order-in-f ouncil. The Order was published in the Gazette of
            loan' 0t 10 ^ l January 1939 and was brought into force  on the 9th February
            J %/«#%/•
               Hater drafting errors were detected and
            into force on the 29th April 1939.       a final Ordcr-in-Council came

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