Page 652 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 652


                                              APPENDIX “ B ”
                              .VISITS OF GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TO MUSCAT.
                                                    .. Major R. 0. Price, General Stuff Blanch, Air
                           18th to 21st January ..
                                                          Headquarters ’Iraq, accompanied hy
                                                          Wing Commander It. Jopc Slade, 0.12.12.
                           3rd to 9th Fcbruury ..   .. Tlic Ilon’ble Lt.-Col. Sir Trcucluird Fowlo,
                                                          IC.C.I.E., C.B.K, Political Resident in
                                                          tlie Persian Gulf, accompanied by Major
                                                          A. C. Galloway.
                           18th to 20th March       ... Air Vice-Marshal J. II. S. Tysseti, M.C., Air
                                                          Officer Commanding the British Forces
                                                          in Iraq, accompanied by Group Captain
                                                          It. II. Kershaw.
                                                   ..., Squadron Leader D. L. Thompson.
                           5th May
                           5th and 6th May          .. Flying Lieutenant P. D. Holder.
                            15th and 16th May ..       Squadron Leader J. It. Scarlett-Streatficld
                                                          and Group Contain F. W. Walker,
                                                          D.i. .C., A.F.C.
                            1st July to 16th August  •... Squadron Leader K. R. Coates, Air Liaison
                                                          Officer, Bahrain.
                            16th to 23rd August ..  .. Lt.-Col. J. J. Rooney, I.M.S., Residency
                                                          Surgeon and Chief Quarantine Medical
                                                          Officer, Bushire.
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