Page 406 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 406

392                        Records of Bahrain
                       November 4                      Drillnh Director of* Customs

                                                         leaves, end Bahraini assistant
                                                         assumes cl large.
                       November                        Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman
                                                         a\> .* o i n le cl M «. ad o •? F i m; nee.

                       December 5                      Bahrain branch of Arab Bank opened.
                                                       London legal firm, Trover, Still
                                                         and Keeling, engaged to

                                                         consultants of Bahrain
                                                         Government; t\;o partners
                                                         visited Bahrain to examine oil
                                                         agreements and accounts.
                       December 15                     Ruler informed of Her Majesty's

                                                         Government's intentions via-Si-vis
                                                          the St. Helena prisoners.


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