Page 67 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 67

Disturbances and strikes, 1953-1954            53

               under the heading of "The Requests of; the People of

               Bahrain" was circulated in the hazaar,    The
               petition asked for;
                 (i/    A freely elected Advisory Council with
                 equal representation for Sunnis and Shias to
                 examine all public affairs;
                 (ii)   A Legal Committee to draft a code of law;

                 the law was then to he approved by the Advisory
                 (iii) Reform of the Courts and appointment of
                 judges, foreign judges if necessary, with law
                 (iv)   Elected Councils for the Municipalities,
                 public health and education;
                 (v)    Reform of the police and acceptance of

                 the principle that the head of the, police is
                 responsible for consequences of any breach of
                 the peace,
                 (vi)   Compensation for the victims of incidents
                 since 10th Muharram and a general amnesty;

                 (vii) Punishment of the police responsible for
                 firing on the crowd on July 1.
               10,         Nos (ii), (iii) and (v) of these demands
               corresponded, with some modification, to proposals
               which we had already pressed on the Ruler, and it

               appeared that if the Ruler accepted our views on
               Uiese points and were willing to pay compensation,
               he could without harm to his interests go a long way
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