Page 31 - Records of Bahrain (4) (i)_Neat
P. 31

Appointment oj Shaikh Hamad h. Isa Al Khalifahf 1023    21
            (vioo encouraged by T&rlouj agitators for their own

            rcuidorod those olusooo far lews patlont under i&lerulo and
            opprosalon than they hod hewn In the past* They wore Tory
            nuraoroua and thoro woo consist dongor that they might take
            advantage of their uumbore and robel against their masters
            when foreign sympathy, especially Persian end Shia, night hay©
            mado British support of the al Khalifa dlffloult, particularly
            us thoro was no shadow of doubt that the Baharlnah had valid
            grlowonoeo • •  Further owing to the weakness of ghelkh Isa's rule,

            the rights of the sholkh of Bahrain were either vanishing or
            being frittered away by being subdivided among numerous persons
            14 no way entitled to those righto*
                          the Britich Government were unable to tolorate sued
            a state of affairs* It was hopeloss to sxpeot Sheikh Isa, on
            account of hlo age, to enter on the stony path of reform anl
            the Government ardoutly desired that sheikh Isa would, in his
            own intorosts, soo the advlcibiiity of adbloatlon but unfortunate
            ly our old friend could not bo brought to see tala and It was

            noooesary for mo under direction of my Government, to tell
            him that while he might remain In Bahrain and retain the titular
            dignity of Sholkh, he was to stand asldo _nd allow his heir
            apparent, sholkh Hamad, to endeavour to sot the Bahrain affairs
            In order and bring that (iovornmont up to tho plane of modern
            oivillzation without lntorforonoo or dlotatlon of any kind from
            hie father*
                          This Is tho position* Sholkh Isa Is still Sholkh
            of Bahrain but tho direction of affairs has boon handed over
             to fihelkh Hamad os fully oopowored agent for his father whom
            he Is In no way bound to consult*

                          I have troubled Tour Highness with this long
             description In the hope that the British Oov*rn»nent may rely
             on your oinoors and lasting friendship to accept the present
             state of affairs and explain the situation to others who are
             lntorooted* Wo firmly bolleve that tho stops that tho British
             aoTornmoot has boon roluotantly foroed to take will eventually
             oonduoo to the stability of the rule of the ml Khalifa family.
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