Page 15 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 15
actual consumer and smaller merchants only credit on a very small
scale, if at all, need be given.
It will be seem from the statement attached of the trade of the BasHire mad
whole Gulf, compCed from the custom-house returns, that Bushire, tr*dc*
with the exception of three smaller ports, Jask, Bunder Dilam and
Bunder Rig, is the only port in the south of Persia which shows a
decrease in the imports of 1905 as compared with 1904.
While all the ocher ports have a very substantial increase Bushire
shows a decrease of 127,893/., which nearly equals the whole of the
increases put together.
This could be pur down to the following reasons :—(1) Attitude of
steamship agents towards consignees of the cargo their steamers
carry and the treatment it receives, more particularly that from
India; (2) Hamal Bashi or landing contractors unsatisfactory
method of working; (3) disturbed state of Shiraz; (4) the inse
curity, owing to robbery and blackmail, of the road between Bushire
and Shiraz; (5) merchants’ disputes with the custom-house. Owing
to these causes the import and forwarding trade of Bushire is
seriously threatened with being diverted to other ports, such as
Bunder Abbas and Mohammerah.
The foreign trade of the smaller Gulf ports, such as Kishm,
Charbar, Bunder Dilam, Karak, Hen jam, Jask, Bunder Rig, Dayer
and Minab is carried on by native boats and is roughly as follows :—
Kishm import from India and Zanzibar: Rice, wood, hemp Eo»hm.
and vegetable fibres and a small quantity of general cargo.
Exports to India, Oman, Bahrein : Dry and salted fish, dates and -
Charbar imports from India: Rice, provisions and a little general cb*Amr.
Export to India : Dry and salted fish, ghee, dates, cotton wool
and skins.
Bunder DiTamr imports from Turkish Arabia and Indja : Fruit, Bonder
provisions and a Ettle general cargo. Ihla».
Exports to Bahrein, Koweit and Turkish Arabia: eep, ghee,
wheat and barley, vegetables, wool, skins, almonds and pistachios.
Karak (eastern-house only established in 1905) imports from Xsnk.
Turkish Arabia and India : Fruit and rice.
Exports to India : Pearls.
Hen jam (custom-house only established in 1905) imports from Henjam.
India: Provisions
Exports: KL
Jask imports from India, Turkish Arabia and Muscat: Pro-
visions, rice, dates, sugar and a little general and piece-goods.
Exports to India : Dry and salted fish.
Bunder Rig imports from India and Turkish Arabia : Provisions, tp;g
dates and rice.
Exports to Bahrein and Turkish Arabia: Sheep, wheat and
barley and ghee_
Dayer imports from Bahrein and Turkish Arabia: Rice, dates, d«j*e.
sugar and a little general cargo.