Page 4 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
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The Persian Gulf Trade Reports: first published in 1907 in eight volumes.
              ©Archive Editions, an imprint of Archive International Group, 1907 and 1909.

              Reprinted by agreement with the British Library from original works in the India Office
              Library & Records, London.

              All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism
              and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
              or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
              recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

              British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

              The Persian Gulf trade reports, 1905-1940.
                1. Persian Gulf Region — Commerce
                582*. 0953   HF3762
                ISBN 1-85207-050-1
                ISBN 1-85207-051-X v. 1 (Muscat I)
                ISBN 1-85207-052-8 v. 2 (Muscat II)
                ISBN 1-85207-053-6 v. 3 (Bahrain I)
                ISBN 1-85207-054-4 v. 4 (Bahrain II)
                ISBN 1-85207-055-2 v. 5 (Kuwait I)
                ISBN 1-85207-056-0 v. 6 (Kuwait II)
                ISBN 1-85207-057-9 v. 7 (Bushirc I)
                ISBN 1-85207-058-7 v. 8 (Bushirc II)
              Publisher’s note
              For conservation reasons, this edition has been prepared from microfilm made available
              by the British Library. Many of the original volumes, through age and adverse conditions
              in the past, have become fragile and can no longer be handled. A curvature effect is visible
              at the inner edge of some pages where the original volume could not be opened flat during
              microfilming. In a few instances, lines may be missing or broken on the originals.
               A general reduction in page size of approximately 20% has been applied to the original
              reports, some of which vary in format, in the interest of creating a uniform edition.

              Missing years and supplementary years
              Certain reports arc missing from the scries. The same gaps arc found in the files at the
              Public Record Office, suggesting that there were origination or distribution difficulties for
              the years in question. The following are the missing reports.
              Muscat: 1917-18, 1920-21. Kuwait: 1933-34.
               The following reports from the 1940s have been located and arc included in this edition.
              Muscat: 1942-43, 1943-44. Bahrain: 1942-43, 1943-44. Kuwait: 1943-44.
               The annual scries of reports from Bushirc ends at 1924. This edition also includes further
              occasional reports on economic conditions in the Gulf issued from Bushirc.

              Printed by Redwood Burn Ltd., Trowbridge, and bound by Green Street Bindery, Oxford.

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