Page 258 - Neglected Arabia 1906-1910 (Vol-1)
P. 258
a i^rcat tiling to l)c known as men ot pr;i).er l)>. tliosc who arc tra
ditionally tauglit that Clirislians arc unbelievers, wlio never pray.
()11 our tours we liavo i>roved again anil again the【iO;si’)ility a!u【
value of brief visits at various places, but until we arc more than one
missionary family at Muscat it scarcely seems po>sil)Ic to romam
long away from our work there.
W'c would not have cliosen the month Scptcmbjr tnr louring
liad not Dr. Dennett then been passing through. W'c found it pretty
hot ;md very tiring. Again and again we determined to make it
easier the next time, but we re never very successful. \\.c travel on
donkeys, and this trip wo could only hire them from village to village,
making it :il\vavs uncertain wliat kind ot riding animals wo would
get next, the result of the change generally seeming to bo for tiie
worse. We all felt used up on our return. Dr. IJcuuett and Iiis-
servant botli came down with fever, one ot our boys witli pneumonia,
and my \vifc has been quite ill from the fatigue of the journey.