Page 290 - Neglected Arabia 1906-1910 (Vol-1)
P. 290
nt tlicso times. I’lie day before t!ic big ciay two tactions of tlic Shiahs
(liiarrcllccl in the bazaar aiul several were badly wminclctl, so that an
order was issued forbidding them to pas.>' in pr(.)Ccssion through the
cruwdcd portion of the town.
The Persians are Shiahs, but the ruling Sheikh and nearly all of
the Arabs belong to the other Iartre class ot Moliammedans, the Sunnis.
The Sunnis turn Muiiarreiu irap a time of feasting aacl rejoicing,
claiming that on the tenth day\the Lord created Adam and Eve,
I(caven ancl [[ell. the Pen, Fate^;Li t'e, and Death.
The tears ancl sorrow* seeirt'J^l ami one would think that, if they
could show sucli sorrow for thQ1;-pilferin^ of one whom they have
never seen, the), would be very mfrtdful of the suffering of members
of their own household, at least, but they ilo not put their sentiments
into practice. They care more for tldr donkeys and camels than for
the women and old people ot their .^fmilies. Only a few days ago I
was called out to see an old woman who had been very badly burned
and we have been going each day to treat her. Vcsterclay wlien we
arrived we found her lying in the middle of the yard, and a neighbor
said her people had put her out there to die and had been gone all
day to a reading where they were beating their chests ancl weeping
over tho suffering of one they hail never seen, with never a thought
of the terrible sutiering of tin's poor old woman in their own household.