Page 37 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 37

      Export of Principal Article* by Sailing; Craft during the year* 1923-24, 1924-25 and 1925-29-conti.

                                                QtJAjcTmxa              Valux
        AancLxa ud Countries to wiuon ruortxd
                                          1923-24  1924-23  1923-26  1923-24  1924-23  1923-20

       Arab Coast   .   .           Chn,      13     38    • •      18     136
       Iraq .                                 13              1     20              1
       Pcrcian Coast   .                     213     10
      Piece-Good*—                                           4      318     24
       Arab Coast .                 Value                         11.268  1,024  3.540
       *Iraq ...                     r»                             285    291     313
       Persian Coaci
      Potatoes—Persian Coast        Cwt.                     48   8,569  14,127   1,711
      Pro vision®—
       Arab Coact  .                Value                            5      85      2
       •I«q .    .  .                                                      276
       Persian Coact   .             90                              3              1
      Palseo—                                                        8       1     11
       Arab CoasS  .                Cwt.     132     19      93     48      10     62
       ’Iraq .                                 1      2      5       1       1      3
       Persian CoazS                 rt      no
                                     90              133     63     39      88     47
       Arab Coast .                 Nos.    3,522    360   6,067    218    691     291
       ’Iraq ...                            3.430    666  10,313    261     65     623
       Persian Coast   •             90    20,724    674  20,100   1,194   320    U74
       Arab Coast   .   .           Cwt.    7,521  18,483  10,598  4,454  12,365  7,072
       ’Iraq                                5,643  7,413   6,186   1,452  4,707   4,055
       Persian Coast   .                   24,674  28,273  43,619  15,762  18,876  26,929
      Sail Cloth—                    90
       Arab 0<sst                    90                                      6
       ’Iraq                                                 12      4       4      4
       Pei sian Coast                M 00                    40      17     19      13
       Arab C<*ast .   .            Value                           45      10     22
       ’Iraq                         90                              4      86      2
       Persian Coast   •             oo                             81      23      14
      Spic a—
       Arab C->a*t .   .                                             16    193
       ’Iraq                                                                20
       Persian Coast                 99                             649    156      2
      Sugar, Loaf—
       Arab Coast                   Cvrt.     1             533      2             132
       ’Iraq                                  5             1C2      10            207
       Persian Coast   .             •#    15.560     1    2,356  30,026     2    2,722
      Sugar. Soft—
       Arab CVast ,                          499   2,833            853   2,835   8,397
       ’Iraq                                 965    1,013          1,443  1,476  12,683
       Persian Coast                       37,090  21.300         56,599  31,504  6,759
       Arab Coast  .   .             90       3      14      28      4      34      72
       ’Iraq .                                        1      11              1      23
       Persian Coast                 90              16       8             31      16
       Arab Coast   .   .                    190    1,345    18     164    731      14
       ’Iraq ...                            3.906   2,201  1,530   4.233   1.707   965
       Persian Coast                 •t     3.476  13,105  1,271   2.G95  16,911   798
       Arab Coast  .                 •9      213     156     80    1.237   783     342
       ’Iraq .                               lot     208    267    2,144   1,734  1.U13
       Persian Coast                 90     4,703   3,818  1,097  31,639  19,73V  4,887
       Arab Coast  L>   •           Value                            82     227 |   20
       ’Iraq .   .   .               OO                            1,070    4-V1 i 993
       Persian Coast                 OO                            1.748   1.339 •   1.4U
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42