Page 229 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 229

                                    APPENDIX G (S).
             Principal articles imported into Mohammerah including transhipments to
                                      Karun Ports.

                      Article*.                             i
                                              Averago five
                                                year*.    1903.    1904.

             Coal                   Tons          353       346       304

             Coffee                  Cwts.        1,440     3*8       4i
             Cotton goods  • ••  • ••  Value £  1,28,039  1,08,081  1,74,27 x

             Drugs                    1,   £       848      382       7^5

             Glass and glassware      ,1   £       659      540     2,670

             Liquors      • ••       Gallons       328      162      1,141

             Matches                 Cases  •M     264      483       286
                Iron      • M        Cwts.        1,661    1,568    6,298
                Copper                ,1           495      735      1,180

                Others                             410      259       671
             Metal manufactures     Value  £     2,033     i»5°9    4,902

             Gunny bags               n    £      i,712    *.350     M43

             Oil, kerosine           Cwts,       2,070     2,900     2,015

             Rice         • ••   • ••  II        6,059     5,i9x    3,670

             Silk goods             Value  £     4,127     2,467    2.647

             Spice               • • •  Cwts.     925      867 J      888
                Crushed  • ••                    10,224   10,586
                                      11                            M,973
                Loaf     • ft                    34,785   15,765    27,46.0
             Tea         • ••         II         !|!97     1,058     1,344

             Twist ...                    • ••   1.476     2,018    1,404
             Articles not specified  Value  £    9,367     8,905    11,910
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