Page 52 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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42                        Records of Bahrain

                                             Tologram, No. 710-15. A., dntod tho 20th April 1898.
                                      From—-Tho Foroign Socrotary, Simla,
                                      To—Reaidout, Dueliiro.
                                   Sco Soorofc Despatch No. 0, Mnroli 18th, copy of whioh has boon sont you
                               (lirocb by Socrotary of Stato, and tho first of three tolcgrams from Scorotary of
                               Stato ropoatodto you iu my telegram 22nd Dcccmbor. Tho position at Dahroiu
                               is not complicated, as at Maskat, by troaty engagements with other powers.
                               What is required from Bahrein Sheikh is aimplo and unconditional agreo-
                               meut to prohibit all import and export of arms into or from that island.
                               Plcaso cudoavour to arrango this early. The documents you have accoptod
                               from Bahrein Sheikh, as forwardod with your lettor No. 7, [February 23rd,
                               aro unsuitable. Tiio Sheikh’s proclamation errs in giving permission to con­
                               fiscate arms iutoudod for Maskat. Soo his notification, also last words.

                                                O. C. Pr««i, Siuil».-Wo. 0. 42 V. D.—7-0.03.-00,
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