Page 185 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 185

                          XXI.—Telegraph station at Angaum (Henjam) *
                152. In a letter, dated the 14th February 1S65, No. 95, Mr. Walton, the
                                           Director ol the Mekran Coast and
            ] aHia^'-Jonn886; I so' Vro Jo'i'i n ^.nTi doVn Sub-marine Telegraph, proposed to Gov-
            roiincai a., October 186S, Nos. 1^-109 para- ernment the transfer of the telegraph
            r‘ph5*                         station from Cape Musandim to the islet
            of Anguam on the opposite side of the Persian Gulf.
                153. In March 1866 Colonel Goldsmid submitted a report by his Assistant,
                                           Major Smith, R. E.; there was also a
            ceedmgvVnd paragraph^ in Proceedings, Political TCpOrt drawn Up by Colonel Pelly, and
            a., October 1868, Nos. 104-109.   commented upon by Colonel Goldsmid
            on the same subject. Both Colonel Goldsmid and Colonel Pelly agreed in the
            desirability of transferring the telegraph station from Cape Musandim to Angaum.
            The only obstacles to the immediate occupation of Angaum were political, arising
            out of the rival claims of Persia and Maskat to the island as a dependency of
            Kishm (Bassidore) which is included in the farm of Bandar Abbas.
                154. Colonel Goldsmid abstained from discussing the political aspect of the
             Sec extract quoted in paragraph 8 ol above Pro*   question (which Colonel Pelly regarded as
            ceedings.                      favouring the claims of Maskat), but stated
            that in a general proposal which he was about to submit for future telegraphic
            arrangements with Persia, the territory of Bandar Abbas, including Kishm and its
            dependencies, would be treated, as actually found, vis., under the flag of that
                155. The proposal was then recommended to the Government of Indiaf
                                           and His Majesty’s Secretary of State,
             Letter No. loa. dated the 20th April iS66.   ...
             t Page 265 in Home Department Elec. Tel. Pro- it being observed With respect to the
            eeed,°c*’                      political aspect of the question that there
            appeared to be no doubt that Persia was the only Power which could object to
            the transfer of the Musandim station to Angaum ; but that there seemed to be
            no reason to suppose that Persia would refuse consent to the transfer if it be
            properly proposed to the Persian Government. It was at the same time suggested
            that instructions should be issued either to Colonel Goldsmid or to any one
            else who might be selected by the Secretary of State to bring the subject before
            the Persian Government with a view to its early settlement.
                156. The Government of India (Home Department), in reply,} expressed
             i ... m « . j . j.i. .w m    their concurrence in the necessity for the
             Letter No. o.|3, dated the 7th May 1866.
                                                        , c ,
             J Page 272 in Home Department Elec.Tel. Pro- proposed removal Ot the telegraph Station
           ceedmg*an.i enclosure* 1 to Piocccdings No. to in from Musandim to Angaum, and stated
            Proceedings January 1867, Nos. 5Q-0i.   .   .   .   0   , . ’   ~   , ,
                                           that a communication to this effect would
            be made to His Majesty’s Sccretarv of State. Meanwhile they authorised the
            Bombay Government to empower Colonel Goldsmid at once to seek permission
            (through the British Ambassador) from the Persian Government to commence
           building at Angaum.
                157.  A despatch was received from the Secretary of State to the effect that
             Despatch No. 2o, dated the 14th September 1866,   he had addressed the Foreign Office on
           paracraph 3.                   the subject of the removal of the telegraph
                                 ,“6 Poli' sUtion from CaPe Musandim to the Island
                                          of Angaum, and had requested $ that His
           Majesty’s Minister at Tehran should be instructed to apply to the Persian Gov­
           ernment for the requisite permission to commence building at Angaum.
               158.  Government in reply stated that for the present, at all events, they
                                          thought it would not be desirable to
             Letter No. 27, dated the 25th October 1866.
                                          abandon the project of obtaining a station
           at Angaum in lieu of Musandim, and suggested that Her Majesty’s Minister
           at Tehran should be requested to aid Colonel Goldsmid as far as possible in
           obtaining a site for the telegraph office, etc., at Angaum.
               159.  In the month of October 1866, a telegraph || (dated ist) was received
             II Referred to in extract quoted in paragraph u ' fro™ Her Majesty’s Minister at the Court
           &V&nTM0, 100 in ‘’0lUiCal A" 0cl°* °* ^crs’a» enquiring whether it would not
           _____ ’   _____ |________  be advisable to settle the exchange of
             la regard to telegraphs in the Persian Gulf in general see Precis on Commerce and communications in the Gulf.
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