Page 211 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
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                                     CHAPTER V.
             Residency appointments, establishments, guards and buildings on
                              the Persian Coast and Islands.
                       XXX.—The Resident in the Persia Gulf and his salary.

               339. The earlier records of Government show that the salary of the Resi­
           dent in the Persian Gulf, then designated “ Commercial Resident at Bushirc,” as
           fixed in 1801, was Rs. 784 per mensem ; but that Officer received in addition
           half the net profit on the sale of the goods shipped by the East India Company
           from London.
               330. In the year 1806 the salary of the Resident and his Office Establish­
           ment appears to have been fixed at Rs. 2,700 per mensem, but the details of
           this item are not forthcoming on the records. The pay then appears to have
           fluctuated between Rs. 800 and Rs. 1,200 per mensem, till the latter end of the
           year 1823, when, on the appointment of Lieutenant-Colonel Stannus as Resident
           in the Gulf, in succession to Lieutenant Macleod, the salary of the Officer was
           fixed at Rs. 1,500 per mensem in addition to a table allowance of Rs. 600 per
           mensem; establishment and house rent including boat’s crew Rs. 600 per
           mensem; contingencies, Rs. 150 per mensem ; besides a travelling allowance of
           Rs. 500 per mensem when absent from Bushirc on duty. This table allowance
           was afterwards increased by Rs. 500 (the pay continuing the same). Thus the
           records show that prior to the year 1831 the Resident received—
                 Pay                                           1,500
                 Table-money                                  1,000
                 House Establishment and house rent            600
                 Contingencies                                  *50

                                        Making a total        3,250 per mensem.

           with an Office Establishment besides at a cost of Rs. 900.
              231. This scale continued in force down to the year 1831, when the salary
           and allowances of the Resident in the Persian Gulf were fixed as follows :—
                 Personal allowances (to cover all expenses) ...   2,400 per mensem.
                 Office Establishment...                        300
                                               Total          2,700

               232.  In the statements of the General Expenditure of the Bombay Presi­
           dency for the years 183910 1844 the pay of the Resident is entered at Rs. 2,278-
           4, but no information connected with this reduction can be traced on the records
           of those years.
               233.  In 1845 the salary the Bushire Residency was again raised
           to Rs. 2,400 per mensem, and continued at this figure till the year 1862.
               234.  On the 9th December 1862 the Government of India was informed that
           Captain Felix Jones, I. N., Resident in the Persian Gulf, having left for Europe,
           on leave, the Bombay Government had had under consideration the subject of
           adjusting anew the salaries of the Political appointments at Aden, Bushire
           Maskat and Zanzibar. After stating the salaries of the Political Officers as they
           then stood, the Government of India was informed as followsJ
              “It appears to His Excellency the Governor in Council that British interests on the
           Persian shores of the Gulf will be amply represented by the appointment of a Political
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