Page 23 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 23
(vi) Governor Generals of Arabistan-
22. Tlio following statement compiled from our rocords gives the names
of Governor-Generals of Arabistan from 1878 up to date, and the Deputies or
Lieutenant-Governors appointed by each, so far as known
Governor® of Arabistan. Deputy or Lioutcnant-GoremorB.
Prince Hamza Mirza known aa Hashmat-ul-
Dawlek, 1873-bO.
Princo Zil-us-Sultan, 1880-87 ... (1) JaffirKulli Kl-.nn, (2) Amir Zad.ih Abdullah
Mrzn, (3) Ihte?am-es Sultanch, (4) Muzuffar-
Nizam-es-Sultaneh formerly cntibled Saad-ul- Mirza Akbar Ali.
Mulk, 18&7-91.
Haji Gulam Hussein titled Sahab-uI-Mulk,
Prince Hi>am-us-Sultaneh (1893-95).
Nizam-es-Sultanch, 1895-97.
Ala-ud-Dowleb, 1897 S ha hab-us-S ultaneh.
Saad-us-Sultaneb, Sardar Akram, 1897-99.
Prince Ain-ud-Dawleb, 1899-1900.
Prince Salar-ed-Dawleh, 1901-03 Azam-es-Sultaneb, who resigned in June 1908
and was succeeded by Yamin-i-Nizam.
Azam-es-Sulianeh, 1904.
(vii) (1) Trouble in the Kaab districts. (2) Release of Sheikh Hizal’s
brother Mahomed (1883-1885).
23. In 1883 Sheikh Mizal was loud in his complaints against the secret
intrigues of the Persians against his
A., Political E.. April 18S3, Nos. 233-734.
authority by setting up his subordinate
Sheikhs to revolt against him. The trouble was brought to an end by the media
tion of some of the influential Sheikhs. The Persian Governors were also
exorbitant in their pecuniary demands, and every opportunity was embraced to
add to these demands.
21. Troubles were also chronic in Pellaliieh. Sheikh Ramah being found
unfit for the Governorship of the District,
A.. Political E.. Juno 1884. Nos. 73-74.
Sheikh Jafir bin Mahomed was appoint
ed in his plaoe, Sheikh Mizal guaranteeing the revenue for the coming year.
But there was a strong party or support the cause of Sheikh Ramah* It
was temporarily overcome with the assistance of Sheikh Mizal of Moliam-
25. The Persian Government held the trump card in their hands in
Maliomed-bin-Jabir, the elder brother
Ext. A., May 1685, Ncs. 350-331.
of Sheikh Mizal, wliom they detained as a
political prisoner. Do was released or rather allowed to escape in 1884.
At the commencement of the year 1885, he was sent for by Muzzuifar-ul-mulk,
Deputy of Zil-os-Sultanch to his camp at Dizful. This step gave occasion for
disquieting rumours at Mohammerah and Sheikh Mizal was much alarmed.
He even made preparations to flee to Turkish territory.