Page 244 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
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                         the Zanzibar order, after consulting the Political Resident, and was forwarded to
                                                       the Secretary of State with their despatch
                            External A., September 1887, Nos. 283*98.
                                                       No. no-Ex., dated 22nd July 1887, among
                         others with the following observations:—
                             The reasons which render such an Order in Council necessary for the Persian Coast
                         and Islands arc (a) that British authorities there may be able to legally exercise jurisdic­
                         tion over subjects of Her Majesty who arc not Native Indian subjects, and over British
                         protected persons including subjects ol Princes and States in India in alliance with Her
                          Majesty and (£) that persons sentenced to imprisonment by those authorities may be sent
                         to jail in India to undergo their sentences.
                             The application of the Order, as drafted, would be strictly limited to the Coast and
                         Islands of the Persian Gulf which belong to Persia. The coast belonging to Turkey and
                         Maskat have been regulated by separate orders; and the coast belonging to Arab Chiefs,
                         with the Island of Bahrein, can, if nccesary, be dealt with when the present draft has been
                                  (xliii) Consular Powers for the Resident in Persian Gulf, 1878.
                             335- While correspondence was being conducted about the extension of the
                           Political A, April i8y8. Nos. \6o-6i.   Foreign Jurisdiction Act to the Persian
                           Political A, May 1880, Nos. 214-222.  Gulf, it was decided to confer certain parti­
                         cular powers on the Resident, without waiting for a General Order in
                         Council. In March 1S79 Mr. R. Thompson sent to Colonel Ross the Queen’s
                         Commission appointing him to be Her Majesty’s Consul-General for the Pro­
                         vince of Fars and the coasts and Islands of the Persian Gulf within the dominions
                         of Persia together with Exalquator issued by the Shah to enable him to act in
                         that capacity, and a firman to the Prince Governor of Fars, translation of which
                         is given below:—
                         Translated purport oj a frman jrom His Majesty the Shah to H. R. H. the
                             Prince Moetemid-ud-Dowleh, Governor-General of Fars, Shir as, dated
                             Rubee-ul-awal, 1296.
                            As the British Mission have officially informed me through the Minister for Foreign
                         Affairs that Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Charles Ross has been appointed by the British
                         Government Consul-General in Fars in the Coasts and Islands of the Persian Gulf which are
                         a part of the dominions of Persia. For the perfect friendship existing between the two
                         exalted Governments, we issue this firman, and order that our uncle, llis Royal Highness
                         the Prince Forhad Mirza Moetemid-ul-Dowleh, Firman Firma of the Province of Fars,
                         should recognize the above mentioned high place as Consul-General, and your Royal
                         Highness should show him distinction like unto the representatives of other perfectly
                         friendly powers, and in giving and receiving rights and you should act according to the
                         Treaty existing between the two friendly powers, and keep in the most friendly terms.
                         Let this be well understood by your Royal Highness.
                             336.  The following is the notification dated 28th November 1878:—
                            ‘‘The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint Lieutenant-Colonel Edward
                         Charles Ross to be Her Majesty's Consul-General for the Province of Fars and the coast
                         and islands of the Persian Gulf being within the dominions of Persia."
                            (xlvi) Judicial powers conferred on the Political Officers in the Gulf, 1873-1881.
                            337.  By Government of India Notification No. 1275-P., dated 13th June
                                                       1873, ^ie undermentioned officers were
                            Sectel, June 1873, Nos 318-347.
                                                      appointed Justices of the Peace under the
                         Foreign Jurisdiction Extradition Act of 1872 for the territories opposite their
                         designation ••—
                              (1)  The Commissioner in Sind—for the territories of the Khan of Kalat
                                    and possessions of the Sultan of Maskat in Baluchistan.
                              (2)  The Political Agent, Kalat—for the territories of the Khan of Kalat.
                              (3)  The Assistant Political Agent at Gwadur—for the territories of the
                                    Sultan of Maskat in Baluchistan.
                              (4)  The Political Resident in the Persian Gulf—for the coast line from
                                    Gwadur westward of the Persian Gulf, all the shores of the Persian
                                    Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, with the Islands in these Gulfs, and
                                    the territories of the Sultan of Maskat in Arabia.
                                                       *        t                 *
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