Page 314 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
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claim had been recognized by the Persian Government, who had instructed the
Superintendent of Customs at Fars to appoint agents at the minor ports to
receive the regular 5 per cent, duty and issue permits to be accepted in lieu of
duty by the customs officials at Bushire.
Mr. Thomson added that he was pressing the Persian Government to issue
1 orders prohibiting the levy of the double duty in the indirect form referred to by
Colonel Ross.
636. On the 25th of April a despatch was received from Colonel Ross
From Colonel Ron, No. 34, dated 14th April giving the details of the illegal exactions
,884- referred to in his telegrams of the 8th and
loth April. These exactions took place in the following modes :—
1st.—By the refusal of the Bushire authorities to recognize the receipts given
at the minor ports for duty paid there, which, in the case of Messrs. Muir & Co.,
amounted to the re-imposition of a sum of about £ 70.
2nd.—By the levy of duty at the minor ports and at the gates of Bushire
I for which all receipts were refused.
3rd.—By the levy of duty in an indirect form on the carriers of goods belong
ing to British merchants.
637. Mr. Thomson telegraphed to Colonel Ross that he had succeeded in
To Colonel Ross, telegram No. 9, dated aist obtaining the despatch of telegraphic orders
April 18S4. to the effect that no gate or other dues
beyond the legal 5 per cent, were to be levied from foreign merchants, and, in a
despatch of the same date, he forwarded
To Colonel Ross, No. 15, dated aist May 1884.
a copy of the aforesaid telegraphic orders,
and told Lieutenant-Colonel Ross that he was endeavouring to obtain orders for
the repayment of the sums illegally levied on British merchants and for the
acceptance in lieu of customs duty of the receipts they held.
638. In reply to a telegram from Mr. Thomson, stating that Persian Govern
ment had promised discontinuance of boat and gate dues and would repay amount
illegally levied, Lieutenant-Colonel Ross reported hy telegraph that the amount
of duty levied at the minor ports was about £ 120, besides a small sum levied for
octroi at Bushire.
Colonel Ross telegraphed that the Shah’s promise had not been given effect
to, and that a second payment of duty had been exacted on 75 bales of wool
639. Mr. Thomson sent Colonel Ross copies of correspondence showing
Mr Thomson’s No. 20 (to Colonel Ross), dated that the Persian Government had promised
14th June 1884. to send stringent orders to the Bushire
authorities to refrain from levying either directly or indirectly any duty upon
British merchants beyond the regular 5 per cent.
On the same day Colonel Ross was informed that the duty illegally levied as
InNo 21 from Colonel Ross, dated 14th aforesaid upon 75 bales of wool was to be
June 1884. refunded.
640. Mr. Thomson enquired of Colonel Ross by telegram whether the orders
obtained had produced the desired effect.
To Colonel Ross, No. 12, dated 18th June 1884.
641. Colonel Ross replied also by telegram that no orders had been received
at Bushire for repayment of customs dues
Dated 201 h June 1884.
illegally levied on any proper settlement of
642. Mr. Thomson telegraphed that the Shah had sent stringent orders to
the Prince Governor of Fars that nothing
Dated 27th June 1884, telegram No. 13.
beyond the legal 5 per cent, was to be
levied on British merchants or the carriers of their goods, and that amounts
illegally levied were to be repaid. Mr. Thomson added that the Prince Governor