P. 315

                    HISTORY OF THE IXDIAX NAVY.           283
       his confinement, that he was nnable to enter on active dutj' until
       1822, when, on Captain Mack, of  tlie Marine, being drowned
       while piloting the Hon. Company's ship  ' Buckinghamshire' out
       ot" Bombay, owing to the heavy sea capsizing his boat, he was
       promoted First-Assistant in the Master Attendant's Department.
       He signalized the first year of his return to active employ by a
       gallant ex])loit, and, in the words of the Superintendent of the
       Bombay ilarine  to the Governor of Bombay, " had the good
       fortune, off Surat Bar, by great energy and risk, in heavy blowing
       weather, to save the lives of a detachment of His Majesty's 4tli
       Dragoons while under  his convoy, for which he received the
       thanks of Colonel  Dalbiac* and the marked approbation of

       prisoners, and ill-use them.  So in the end it was agreed  to keep me for the
        " Mj release was effected at last through our Political Agent, Captain Ballan-
       tine, who prevailed on the Nawab of Joouu^hur  to use  liis inilucnce to get
       anotlier Kattee, who had forcibly taken Bavvawalla's Pergunna, or district, to
       restore it to him, and Bawawalla thus having gained his object, set me free. My
       sufferings during confinement were almost beyond endurance, and I used to pray
       in the evening that I luiglit never see another morning.  1 had my boots on my
       feet for the  first month, not being able to get them off from tlic constant wet
       until I was reduced by sickness.  Severe fever with ague, and inflammation of
       the liver c-ame on, and with exposure to the open air drove me dchrious, so tliat
       when let go I was found wandering in  tlie  fields at uiglit covered with vermin
       from head to fool.  I shall never forget the lieavenly sensation of tlie  ht)t bath
       and clean clothes  I got in tlie tent of tlie Nawab of Joonughur's Dcwan.  The
       fever and ague then contracted continued on me for  five years, and the ill effects
       still remain, my head being at tunes greatly troubled  witii giddiness, and I have
       severe fits of ague  ; my memory is also much affected, but I can never forget
       the foregoing  incidents, though  it  is now upwards  of  fifty years since they
        * The following is an extract from a  letter addressed to Captain Grant by
       Colonel Dalbiac, commanding the 4th Dragoons, afterwards General Sir Cliarles
       Dalbiac, Inspector-General of Cavalry, dated 29th May, 1822, and written at
       " Arras while on the march to Khairah :"
        "I felt confident throughout that the detachment would receive every assist-
       ance which could possibly be derived from  skill and exertion.  Such, accoi-ding
       to Lieutenant Coney's Report, has indeed proved to be tlie case, for it  is to your
       aid chiefly that I must ascribe the preservation of this valuable  detaclinient.
       Allow me then to exjiress  tlie sincere  obligation  wjiich  I  shall ever consider
       myself under for  tlie  inijiortant  service rendered  to tiiis part of the Regiment
       under my command,  wliich  I  have  requested  ]\lr. Meriton  to communicate
       in a particular manner to his Excellency the Commander-in-Cliief."
        Captain Grant had already distinguished himself as a philanthropist, and Cap-
       tain James McMurdo, Political Agent at Kattywar, sent a correspondence to the
       Bombay  Gazette, which appeared in  (hat ]iaper on the 2Gth of January, 1820,
       describing the noble work ho had done among the poor inhabitants of Kowrinar,
       when they had been  stricken with  tlie plague.  Of this correspondence we
       will  only' insert  the two  following  letters.  The Ser Soobah  of  Kattywar
       wi'ites  :
        "As a river of sweet water brings relief to the world, so liave you extended
       your favours by the wisdom of your actions. We are in friendship one.  Tlie
       Supreme who  keeps  the j;lobe without visible support, who baa spread tho
       heavens like a tent, is always in our remembrance.  Since you have left us wo
       have never forgot you, and we daily exjiect news of you.  In the meantime, we
       have received from the inliabitants of Kowrinar reports of the assistance you
       were to them when they were attacked by the Mirgce [cholera morbus)  : for this
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