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    snake was scotched, not  killed,  and, before another decade, a
    second Expedition was demanded finally to root out this powerful
    race of pirates.
      The commanders were unable to form a treaty with Ras-ul-
    Khyraah, Sheikh Sultan Bin Suggur, the legitimate chief, having
    been seized by the Wahabees, and his Government complet('ly
    overthrown  ; independently of which, no treaty could be binding
    on the Joasmis, without the  direct authority and  participa-
    tion  of Saood,* on whose will they were entirely dependent.
    Such, however, had been the impression created by the success
    of the operations against the  principal pirate ports, that the
    commanders succeeded in their demands for the destruction of
    all the dhows and large boats of the petty chieftains from Rams
    to Abu Haile, on the Arabian side, as well as at i\Ioghu on the
    coast of Persia.  The chief of Charrack, not having any dhows
    or large boats, was admonished to refrain from giving encourage-
    ment or protection to pirates in future. A similar message was
    sent to the chief of Nikiloo,t with a demand, at the request of
    the Imaum,  for the release of Sheikh Jubara  of CongoonJ.
    It was not deemed  material to insist on the destruction of
    trankies and  small boats—a measure that  would have been
    hard on the poorest of the inhabitants, and created an odium
    against the British name, which did not generally exist, as many

    of tlie valuable property at Ras-ul-Khymah having been destroyed froin political
    motives, and the great personal risk to which every individual liad been exposed,
    in fighting against an enemy from whom no quarter was to have been expected,
    had any reverse taken place.  Tlie answer returned to this application was, that
    there was no precedent for such a proceeding ; so neither olHcers nor men received
    any honorary or pecuniary reward.
      * A communication was opened with Saood advising him  to prohibit the
    piracies of his dependents, and in answer, the Wahabee chief observed : — " Tlie
    cause of the hostihties carrying on between me and the members of the faitli, is
    their having turned away from the B jok of the Creator, and refused to submit to
    their own prophet Mahomet.  It is not, therefore, those of anotlier sect against
    whom I wage war, nor do I interfere in their hostile operations, nor assist them
    against any one  ; whilst under the power of the Almighiy, I have risen superior
    to all my enemies.  .  .  .  Uuder these circumstances, I have deemeil it nices-
    sary to advise you that I sliall not approach your sliores, and have interdicted
    the followers of the Mahomedan I'aith aiul tlieir vessels from offering any moles-
    tation to your vessels; any of your merchants, therefore, who nuiy appear in, or
    wish to come to my ports, will be in security  ; and any person on my part who
    may repair to you, ought in  like manner  to be in safety."  He coiu-ludes  tlie
    letter with a contemptuous reference to the Joasmis whom the English had just
    conquered, " Be not, therefore, elated with the conllagration of a few  vessels,
    for they are of no estimation in my opinion, in that of their owners, or of their
    countz'y.  In truth then war is bitter  ; and a fool only engages in it, as a poet has
      t Nikiloo  is a town on tlie Persian  coast, opposite to Shitwar Islet at the
    eastern end of Shaikh Shuaib.
      X Congoon, or Konkun, on the same coast, has a good anchorage, and behind
    the town are some  hills, one of remarkable appearance being culled Barn Hill.
    Congoon was the name used in the Persian Ciilf  iij) to the time when, by the
    adoption of the new Ilunterian system of ortlmgiMpliy, the name became traiis-
    mogrilied  into  Xonkun,  to  the unbounded  bewilderment  of the "ancient
    mariner," as in numerous other instances of proper names in the Persian Gulf.
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