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      the  officers  in command  of the Hon. Company's  cruisers,
      'Thetis' and  'Jessy.'"  On the 13th of July Commander
      Marryat dropped the  ' Larne  '*  down as far as the Dulhi Creek,
      on her way  to  the mouth  of  the  river, from whence  she
      returned, with the sickness much decreased, on the 27th of the
      same month.
        On the 19th of July the Comniander-in-Cln'ef despatched a
      cohnnn of troops, by land, to disperse the enemy then ,ii;aihered
      at Keykloo, about twelve or fifteen miles distant from Rangoon,
      and  himself  embarking  in the  ' Diana,' proceeded with six
      hundred men  in the  flotilla, up the Puzzendoun Creek, but,
      owing to the impassable state of the roads, the land column
      was forced to  fall back, and Sir Archibald returned  after an
      absence of three days.  Having learned that the Governor of
      Syriam, or Pegu, had constructed some works and asseujbled a
      force on the banks of the river of that name, he proceeded
      thither on the morning of the 4th of August, with six hundred
      troops, and  the Hon.  Company's  brig,  'Jessy,'  and  the
      ' Powerful,' sloop, employed as a mortar vessel.  The soldiers
      landed under the fire of these two vessels, and, having crossed a
      deep nullah, which was bridged by Commander jMarryat and part
      of the crew of the  ' Larne,' the enemy's defences were carried
      after a brief resistance. A portion of the force then capture<l
      the Syriam Pagoda, and  altogether, during the day, twelve
      guns were captured with a loss of only eight wounded.
        Considering the impossibility of immediately engaging  in
      operations  in the  direction of Ava, Sir Archibald Campbell
      judged it advisable to employ a portion of the combined forces
      under his command, in reducing some of the maritime provinces
      of  the Burmese  Empire.  Accortlingly, an  Exjjedition was
      directed against the province of Tenasserim, comprising the
      districts of Tavoy and Mergui, as containing a valuable tract
      of sea coast, and one likely to afford  supplies of cattle and
      grain. For the reduction of these places a force was despatched
      under the command of Colonel Miles, C.B., consisting of his
      own regiment, the 89th. and the 7th Madras Native Infantry;
      also the Company's cruisers,  ' Teignmoiith,'  ' Mercury,'  ' Prince
      of  Wales,'  'Thetis,' and  'Jessy,'  besides  tlnve  gunlH)ats.
      two row-boats, and six transports, the whole being inider the
                                                        : —
       * On the lltli of July, Commander Marrayat wTote to the Commoctore  "I
      must now call your attention to tlu- conilition of H.Jl's. ship  ' Lame.' whose crew
      I am sorry to say have been rcntlereii ijuite inellleienf by (h.sea.-e.  Siiiee \\c hare
      been on this Expedition we have had one hundred and si-venty eases ofeholern and
      dysentery. We have had thirteen deaths  ; we liave now thirty patient'* nt  tiie
      hospital on shore, and twenty on the siek  list on l)oard  ; our eotivaleseents are an
      ineU'ective as if they were in their hammocks  ; they relajjse daily, and the surgeon
      reports that, unless the vessel ean be sent to cruise for a month, there is little
      chance of their ultimate  recovery.  When  I  sent away the Kxpedition under
      Lieutenant Fraser on the 7th instant,  1 could only muster three  oIlieorB and
      twelve men fit for duty."
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