Page 219 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 219
MUSK AT. 1/7 '
Moolla Hussain, the Shaikh of Kish in-, who, availing himself of the i
troubles that ensued on the death of the late Imaum, possessed him
self of that place and harbour, and of Ormus.
51. Syud Bedor recovered Bunder Abbas, and also the island of !]
Ormus, the possession of those places being an object of importance^
as all the ports belonging to or connected with the Joasmce pirates
drew from them their supplies of dates and grain. Syud Beder offered i'll i
on this occasion to allow the Company to establish a factory at Bunder
Abbas, on the same terms as those granted by Shah Abbas on the first
settlement of the English at that place, or on any other terms we might
choose to dictate; which could not, however, be accepted, without the
concurrence of the Persian Government. This offer was made in i
consequence of Captain Scton having accompanied Synd Beder on this
expedition with two of the Company’s cruisers.
52. Affairs in the Gulf, however, were still far from assuming a i
settled appearance, as Syud Ghcif, aided by Moolla Hussain, and other
partisans, had recommenced hostilities with Synd Bedcr, and compelled
the latter to call in a Wahabee force.
53. Operations were also at this period actively prosecuted by the
Company against the Joasmee pirates, in con
A. D. 1S06.
junction with the Muskat Government, in conse
quence of the capture of the Shannon and Trimmer. The combined forces
proceeded to the island of Kishm, where they blockaded a fleet of Joas-
mees, who, being reduced to distress, Captain Scton agreed to grant them
a truce until the pleasure of the Government should be known ; explain
ing on this occasion, as his reason for refraining from hostilities, the im
possibility of prosecuting them with vigour or effect, without offending
either the Persians or the Wahabees. This truce led to the conclusion
of the treaty With the Joasmees dated the 6th February 1806.*
54. The tranquillity of the Gulf was further promoted by the
reduction, by Syud Beder, of the fort of Bidbid, which commands the
entrance of Oman, and of Keriat, leaving Muttra and its fort alone to
Syud Ghcif, who engaged to surrender the possessions of the late
Jinaum^ except Kabara, and left it optional with Syud Beder to assign
to him the revenue of Muttra.
55. The Joasmees remained true to the engagement concluded with
Captain Scton in every point that regarded the
a. d. 1807.
Company, but co-operated with Syud Beder in
an attack on Syud Glieif, who refused to become a party to the peace,
as he could not in honour do, until he had revenged the blood of Syud
Sultan, his brother.
56. Nor would the Joasmccs and the Government of Muskal appear
* Vide page 75 of this Selection.
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