Page 382 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 382

338                           JOASMEES.
                         assistance, in the shape of a moderate supply of military stores and
                           Some of the Bedouin Nacem Tribes, under Humecd bin Obed bin
                         Subt, the Chief of Hccra, under the pretence of prior right over the then
                        1-uler, Rashid bin Ilumced, to authority over Ejman, surprised the town
                        at night, and gained possession of the fort. Shaikh Sultan bin Suggut
                        in the first instance declined to interfere in favour of the lawful gover­
                        nor, but considering, without any grounds, that he would thereby give
                        umbrage to the British Government, subsequently directed his       son
                        Suggur, and Muktoom bin Biitye, to proceed and eject the Shaikh of
                        Hcera, which they did, and moreover burnt his town, in retaliation for
                        the injuries he had inflicted upon the people of Ejman.
                           As anticipated, the Joasmee Chief, having lulled his opponent into
                        supposed security, by declaring himself satisfied with the extent of pu­
                        nishment he had already inflicted by means of his son and the Shaikh
                        of Rebaye, was only awaiting the lapse of the term of the annual
                        Maritime Truce, whose conditions were guaranteed by the British
                        Government, to commence an attack upon Amulgavine by sea and land.
                        He then despatched a fleet, composed of three Buggalows and sixty
                        Buggarahs, conveying 1,500 men, under the orders of Suggur, his son,
                        and Muktoom bin Butye of Debaye, to blockade the place by sea, while
                        he assumed the personal command of a force of 700 Bedouins, to invest
                        it by land.
                          The only operations which had been carried into effect previous to
                        the Resident’s arrival on the coast, for the purpose of establishing the
                        Maritime Truce for another year, were directed against a tower com­
                        manding the entrance to the backwater, which it was necessary to take
                        or destroy before the blockading boats could pass. An entrenchment,
                        erected in advance of this tower, had been carried by the Joasmee force,
                        who, however, in attempting to improve their success, by advancing
                       upon the fort, had been received so warmly as to be obliged to retire,
                       with the loss of eight men killed and forty wounded. An attempt by
                       Shaikh Khaleefa bin Shakboot to create a diversion in favour of
                       Amulgavine, by surprising Debaye, had failed,       Affairs had reached
                       thus far when the timely mediation of the Resident effected an arrange*
                       ment of the quarrel, and the siege was raised.-
                          It was agreed that Shaikh Sultan bill SuggUr should withdraw the
                       demand he had made for the destruction of the tower commanding the
                       wells of fresh water, while Shaikh Abdoolla bin Rashid on is par
                       should make good the losses sustained by the Joasmee Chief in the
                       several skirmishes which had taken place prior to the siege. pon is
                                formal treaty of alliance and friendship was completed, with
                       basis, a
                       the additional stipulations, that Shaikh  Abdoolla should erect no new

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