Page 409 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 409
10. Shaikh Nassir, after this unsuccessful attempt, proceeded with
Shaikh Rashid to Asecloo, to re-equip a force for another attack of
Zobara. The latter would appear, notwithstanding his recent inter
ference as a mediator, to have taken an active part against the Uttoobees,
on account of their having captured a boat of his, and put eighteen of
her crew to the sword. Shaikh Nassir, however, returned to Bushire
on the 12th of June, and on the 5th of August Shaikh Rashid arrived
with the Persian garrison of Bahrein, which they had been under the
necessity of surrendering on the 28th of July.
17. The A1 Subah, who had continued to increase their power and
possessions at Koweit, hearing of the distress of their old confederates,
prepared to relieve them. On their way to Zobara with that view,
they intercepted a small fishing-boat, which had been despatched
by Shaikh Nassir to his son at Bahrein, to apprise him of his
defeat, charging him to be resolute and watchful in defending
the island until assistance should reach him. The information was
valuable, and led to their adopting prompt and decisive measures.
They immediately sailed to Bahrein, and obtained possession of the
principal forts. The news of this success having reached Zobara, every
effort was made by the A1 Khaleefa to raise auxiliaries for the subject
tion of the island, which they soon accomplished.
18. On the conquest of Bahrein, they proceeded to reward their
companions on this service. The four sons of Jaubir bin Uttoobee were
among the number. These, not at all instructed, nor improved by their
habits of life, and without even the power their father appeared to
possess to substantiate their claims, demanded from the Khaleefa Chief
the enjoyment of territorial and political rights, which being refused,
they left the island in disgust, and prosecuted the mode of life in which
their ancestors had been bred, in which they have ever since
19. Active preparations were still made by the Shaikhs of Julfar
and Ormus to join Shaikh Nassir in. another
a. d. 1783.
attack of the Zobara and Grane Arabs, in which
they were to be assisted by a force of six thousand men, which Ali
Moorad Khan promised to furnish at the close of the year.. However,
every design to proceed on a second expedition appears to have been
abandoned for a time.
20. Preparations for that purpose were, however,, renewed in the
close of the following year, and on the 12th of
a. d. 1785.
February 1785 Shaikh Nassir proceeded by land
to Congoon, and the Bushire and Bunder Reig fleets sailed for that place
* For a continuance of their history, sec " Khor Ilassan,” in the latter part of this