Page 504 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 504
the Wahabecs and the refugees from Kenn, matters were peaceably
settled (July 1851), and the integrity of the island of Bahrein was
There remains but to notice the fear and trepidation caused in the
minds of the Muskat authorities by the approach
a. d. 1852.
of a Nujdec force, under the command of no
less a person than a son (Abdoolla bin Fysul) of the Ameer himself.
Full and ample particulars connected with the affair,—the steps adopt
ed by Abdoolla bin Fysul, and the result of those steps; the proceedings
of the Resident to oppose the ambitious designs of the Wahabee, and
the success that attended those proceedings,—these have all been so
fully detailed in the Muskat narrative, that I will conclude by saying
that the invasion of the Batinah districts, at one time contemplated, was
abandoned, and matters were brought to a settlement, in 1853, by His
Excellency Syud Soweynee agreeing to pay an
a. d. 1853.
exorbitant amount of tribute to the Ameer annu
ally, and a treaty offensive and defensive being entered into between
the Wahabee and Muskat authorities, in the name of their respective
superiors, the Ameer of Nujd and the Imaum of Muskat.