Page 568 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 568

524                         KHOR HASSAN.

                          Rahmah bin Jaubir, after his arrival at Bushirc, paid the Resident
                        visit, and renewed his professions of friendship towards the British G *
                        vernment, and requested the Resident to say that he should be happy to
                        attend to any wishes Government might have towards checking the
  *:                    depredations of the Joasmecs.
                          Mr. Bruce having communicated to Rahmah bin Jaubir the friendly
                              a. d. 1817.      disposition towards him of the British Govern­
                                               ment, he expressed himself highly flattered :
                        he had just returned from a successful cruise to the southward of
                        Bahrein, against the Joasmec boats, which frequented that island for
                        supplies of dates, rice, &e. in return principally for the property of the
                        Surat ships. He intercepted twelve boats laden with supplies proceed­
                        ing to Ras-ool-Khyma, four of which he sank, after taking out their
                        cargoes ; four others he broke up for the want of men to man them, and
                        four he brought to Bushire. He intended, after landing the property
                        which he had brought to that place, to proceed again to the southward
                        to cruise between the piratical ports and Bahrein.
                          In 1818 Rahmali bin Jaubir proceeded to, and landed with some guns
                                               at Kateef, which he battered, in concert with
                             a. d. 1818.
                                               Ibrahim Pacha, and commenced to rebuild his
                        old fort at Demaum, which the Wahabees had blown up in July 1816,
                        to which, when finished, he intended to remove from Bushire, with
   1                    his family and adherents.

                                 CONTINUATION OF THE PRECEDING TO
                                                  THE YEAR 1831,

                                            BY LIEUTENANT S. HENNELL.

                          Mr. Warden’s Sketches conclude in 1818, by stating that Rahmah
                        bin Jaubir had commenced the rebuilding of his fort at Demaum,
                        which had been destroyed by the Uttoobees in 1816.
                                            above mentioned the records of the Bushire Resi
                          From the period
                                               dency make no mention of this notorious person
                             A. d. 1819.       till July 1819, when he is stated to have been at
                        Kateef at the time Captain Sadlier landed there on his mission to ra’
                             Pacha, and that he rendered that officer every assistance, pilot! g
                        the Vestal cruiser himself into the harbour.

                                   * A fort on a  small island opposite Bahrein, and close to Kateef.
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