Page 580 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 580
Perforated Rock and Aboorashid are tllree sma11 coves, With soundings
over a bottom of sand and rocks, from eighteen to twenty fathoms’
and twenty-five to thirty-five fathoms at their entrances. The centre
cove has some remarkable basaltic rocks at its extremity. The hills are
from six to twelve hundred feet high, with steep acclivities • one exhi-
bits the basalt in the form of mountain caps. At the extremity of the
eastern cove is a small basin, formed by a turn of the land, where in
case of great necessity, a vessel may haul in to repair, in three or
four fathoms. All these coves are much open and exposed, with bad
Jazeerat Gunneai.
Jazeerat Gunnem, its north point forming the northern entrance to
Discovery Strait, is in lat. 26° 23' N., long. 56° 26' 10" E., and about
two miles to the SW. of Perforated Rock. There is at this point a
natural jetty of rock, about thirty-six feet above the level of the sea, and
contracting the strait here to one-third of a mile. The island is about
four miles long, and one wide in its broadest part, rugged, and increas
ing in height to the southward, over which stands a conical hill five or
six hundred feet above the level of the sea. The southern point is in
lat. 26° 20' 15" N., and long. 56° 25£' E. A few fishermen were found
at the southern point, and a number of goats seen on the hills.
Discovery Strait.
Discovery Strait, formed by the above island and the main, is about
one-third of a mile wide at the northern, and one mile at the southern
point, near the village of Ghurrum. The soundings are from fifteen
to twenty-four fathoms, over a hard sandy bottom, The tide sets
fairly through the strait, but runs strong, and requires great caution. At
the southern part of the strait, near the village of Ghurrum (which is in
habited by some of the same tribe as those of Koomza), is a small bay,
with from twenty to fifteen fathoms. The only danger in these straits
is a coral reef off the pier, which has ten and twelve fathoms close to it,
to avoid which do not come under seventeen fathoms in anchoring.
Kubbai is a village nearly opposite Ghurrum, in lat. 26° 19' 40" N.,
and long. 56° 26' 20" E.
Remarkable Cliff.
Remarkable Cliff, one mile and a half S. by W. of Gunnem Island,
conical hill, the
is nearly two hundred feet high, and surmounted by
; its south-
summit of which is about nine hundred feet above the sea
have twelve
ern and western acclivities are less abrupt. Close in you
and fourteen fathoms water, and forty fathoms about three quar
a mile off shore.
. V