Page 483 - Neglected Arabia (1916-1920)
P. 483
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Rev. James Cantine has been invited by the
British Civil and Military authorities to visit the
troops between Basrah and Bagdad stationed along
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. His messages will
be conveyed through the agency of the Y.M.C. A.,
which has army huts along this far Eastern front of
the British Army.
Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer has spent the sum
mer busily at Mission Fests in the Western territory
of our Church and at Conferences of the United
i Presbyterians. His itinerary for the coming winter
will be a heavy one under the auspices of the Lay
men’s Missionary Movement on whose invitation
and at whose expense he has come to this country
for the winter.
Rev. John Van Ess has written a series of
3 articles for the illustrated magazine. “Asia.” which
} are now appearing in that very attractive periodical.
I Dr. Sarah L. Hosmon reached her home in
June after a long voyage from Arabia during which
she encountered the usual delays of present un
certain travel.
Miss Gertrud Schafheitlin has also reached
her home in Nova Scotia after similar experiences of
delay in travel.