Page 49 - Neglected Arabia (1916-1920)
P. 49


                                                    Call to Sacrifice

                                                         Dr. Samuel M. iwemcr

                                        We plougk deep furrows an     d scatter tkc see  d of tkc W^ord.
                                  hoping for tkc karvest. But God Himse     If is waiting for tkc sow-
  •. ••  . :•
                                  mg of tke good see  d—tkc ekild ren o   f tke Kingdom,     "That a
            S J
                                  furrow ke fecund, said Sabatier, it mus  t kavc blood and tears, suck
                                  as Augustine called tke blood of tke sou  1. Tkc IToslem world

                                  must kavc   its Getkseraane and Calvary before it can      kavc its
                                  Pentecost. Tkc present con   dition of tkat wor  Id. tk crefore. is a
                                  supreme call to sacrifice: tk  e sacrifice o f  our provincialisms or tke
                                  narrow  korizon of our  sectarianisms for cosmopolitan statemanskip
                                  as missionary   leaders.  We must sink our  differences and unite on
                                  tbc essentials. Tke sacrifice of wca ltk for investment in schools.
                                  tbe publication of literature, hospitals. and every  form of evangel-
                                  isation, on a scale adequate to meet tk  e new opportunities. Tkerc
                                  is a call for tke sacrifice of life — making it sacred—to force an
                                  entrance into tke unoccupied mission field s wkere doors long closed
                                  are  about  to open.   "As tke Fatker katk sent Me. even so     send

                                 I you.

                                                 Out of tke realm of tke glory ligkt.
                                                 Into tke far-away land of mgkt:
                                                 Out f rom tke bliss of worskipful song.
                                                 Into tke pain of katred and wrong;
                                                 Out fr om tke koly rapture above.
                                                 Into tke grief of rejected 1 ove:
                                                 Out from   tke life at tke Father's side.
                                                 Into tke deatk of tk e cruci lficd:
                                                 Out from   kigk konour, and into sk ame
                                                 Tke Master willingly, gladly   came:
                                                 And now, since    He may not suff  er anew,
                                                 As tkc Fatker sent Hi  im, so sendetk H e you
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