Page 531 - Neglected Arabia (1916-1920)
P. 531


                                       ionary Personalia

                              Rev. S. M. Zwemer, D.D., has been kept very busy this
                         fall in fulfilling engagements made through the Laymen's Mis­
                         sionary Movement, in whose especial interest he is spending
                         this winter in America. On October 15th he addressed a meet­
                         ing in New York, under the auspices of the Reformed Church
                         Union, arranged for the purpose of introducing the Reformed
                         Church Progress Campaign which is the program before our
                         Denomination for the next five years.

                              Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Bamy left New York on Novem­
                         ber 14th on their return to Arabia. It is expected that they
                         will remain for some months, possibly a year, in India in order
                         to make available to that Mission his own intimate acquaint­
                         ance with Asiatic missionary problems and conditions akin
                         to those in India. This will enable the Arabian Mission to
                         assist the Arcot Mission at a time of the latter's very serious
                         need on account of its many depletions in recent years, and
                         especially during the present year. It is anticipated, also, that
                         pending the settlement of conditions in Mesopotamia growing
                         out of the change of Government, some months may elapse
                         before the Arabian Mission will be able to carry forward its
                         plans for the extension of its educational and evangelistic work
                        ’•in that area.

                              Rev. E. E. Calverley has been invited by the Indian
                         National Council of the Young Men's Christian Association to
                         enter upon war work under its auspices among the British and
                         Indian troops in Mesopotamia. It is probable that a consid­
                         erable contingent will remain in that area during the slow
                         process of readjustment and settlement.

                              Mrs. Sharon J. Thoms sailed from Seattle November
                         21st with Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Barny to resume her missionary
                         work in Arabia after the lapse of a number of years following
                         upon the death of her husband, Dr. Thoms of Maskat. in 1913.

                              Miss Sarah L. Hosmon and Miss Gertrud Schaf-
                         heitlin, having arrived in America on furlough, may now be
                         reached at the following addresses: Miss Hosmon at 635
                         Wrightwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, and Miss Schafheitlin
                         at Canning, Nova Scotia.
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