Page 575 - Neglected Arabia (1916-1920)
P. 575

                                 J                                                                      :
                                 i.                 21                                                ■  j  !
                                    Arab Women and the War                                              i !
                                          Mrs. James Cantine                                            <
                                                                                                        I  :  I
                     “Why did America enter the war?" we are often asked by the
                women in Basrah. “We thought you had no quarrel with any one,                           : ;
                and hoped that your country might make peace." They are very tired                    :  ;
                of the war, and talk of little else except the discomforts it is causing                I .
                them. They compare the difficulties of the present with peace times                     i :
                                                                                                        : J
                under Turkish rule, not willing to realize that if the Turks were here                  [  !
                now conditions would be a thousand times worse.                                         !  l
                     It is true that these are trying days for them. Many of them                     :  .*
                have had to leave their homes in order to make room for the Expe­                     i  ♦
                ditionary Force. When a good house is wanted for a military billet,                      :
                the occupants are moved into another house not quite so good. This of                    : r
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                                                                                                     :  4 r

                course necessitates moving its occupants somewhere else, and so it goes                 P
                on, one family moving out to make room for another until a compara­                     L-
                tively small number live in the houses they occupied before the war.                    r
                I think most of us would consider this a hardship, but we would prob­                !  i
                ably see the necessity for it, which many of them do not. We try to                     »• V
                explain it to them, and tell them what people living in the war areas in
                Europe are enduring, but their own troubles weigh so heavily that                   s
                other people’s do not make much impression on them, though I have
                seen women weeping on hearing about the suffering of the Belgians
                and Armenians. They will not admit, however, that it is the Turks
                who are persecuting and massacring the Armenians, saying that they
                are quite incapable of such cruelties, and that these reports are slan­
                derous lies, invented by their enemies, and that after the war is over
                we shall see that they\vere absolutely false. They do not really be-                 j


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