Page 593 - Neglected Arabia (1916-1920)
P. 593

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              6                        XEGLECTED ARABIA
              accomplish would depend entirely on the one man, but it would be a mag­
              nificent opportunity.
                 To the appeal of the spiritual and physical needs of Oman there is to
              be added that of its social conditions. Perhaps the largest slave commu­
              nity in the world is to be found there. Not all are negToes; many are
              from Beloochistan, intellectually and morally sometimes the superiors of
              their masters. It is not the physical wrecks, far past medical or surgical            r
              help, that put a mist over your eyes and fill your throat with a hard lump,
              but a visitor must be more calloused of heart than the medical missionary
              to listen unmoved when these men tell of hopes long deferred, of manu­
              mission papers stolen, of oppression and cruelty, of affection for wife
              and children that keeps them from trying to get away or brings them

                                         A CORN FUR OF DEB AI BAZAAR
              back after a successful escape. To go down into that country and on the
              basis of a really competent medical and surgical work to stand as the one
              man who recognizes the chief of the district as no more than a brother
              and his meanest slave as no less, is to have an opportunity for real broth­
              erhood that is given to few men. To be the mediator between the old and
              the new order, a guide of babes who know little of freedom and how to
              use it, and of all men who are almost equally helpless in the guidance of a
              free state, such a function most kings and presidents have never attained
              to. For the new order of things in Oman is coming and probably coming
              very soon.
                • “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying ‘Whom shall I send and
              "'ho will go for us?' Then said I, ‘Here am I, send me.   »ft
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